Also Mike, you might think about your neighbors! We live out in the country in the south. We are new to the area also. We've met some really nice people and have some really great neighbors! =:o)
Posts by Nat
Meeting Quality People
by mikepence ini wanted to put this out to this community in general, although i know that there are no easy answers.. growing up a jw, it is difficult to not be somewhat socially retarded.
your social circle is prescribed, and widening out beyond the small group of the congregation is frowned on.
even 'excessive' association wiht neighboring congregations is frowned on.. the biggest challenge i have encountered as an ex-jw is this: how do you find quality people to befriend and associate with?.
why, what made you join JWs?
by tosko ini would like some brief stories of people saying the reasons they joined jw organisation.
where you already in another church, were you disillusioned, were you biblically illiterate?
and if it is possible, please let me know where you come from, hoping you're not all from usa.
It was all I ever knew. I can remember learning the books of the bible from a pioneer brother and sister before ever starting preschool. To this day, 35 years later, I can name them off! Humm.. They ingrain it in you, don't they!
Ya know, when you're a child, your mother is the word. Or mine was, anyway. I thought she walked on water. My dad wasn't a j.w.
My my, how time changes things.............................
My visit to the Hall Last Night- Highlights
by TR inblah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah.
monotone, monotone, monotone,.
monotone, monotone.. you were right, moxy.
LOL....T.R. you've hurt me! Thanks for the info. I can only imagine though, what it would be like to go to a meeting. I will never go to another meeting.
How Do You Deal With Stress??
by JerryTX inwhat do you do when you're being blindsided from seemingly every direction and you're drowning in stress?
what do you personally do to counteract it?.
reading joelbear's latest post ("joelbear needs to calm down")reminded me of what it was like when first exiting the watchtower.
Oh and you can't possibly release all that build up, fucked up, emotional, dysfuntioning, out of your system without putting on Phil Collins *MAMA*
It's awesome.
How Do You Deal With Stress??
by JerryTX inwhat do you do when you're being blindsided from seemingly every direction and you're drowning in stress?
what do you personally do to counteract it?.
reading joelbear's latest post ("joelbear needs to calm down")reminded me of what it was like when first exiting the watchtower.
I heard that Peace! =;o)
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
I've gotten so much feedback and I really appreciate it!
It's Sat. morning and I'm sitting here chill'in. =;o) I'm not going to the visition. I've recieved alot of info on the situation and I've dedided not to go. I'll probably send a card and a plant.
I had written a long post earlier and my server disconnected me. Probably a good thing. I was pretty fired up! Don't you hate when that happens though!
I plan to have a nice and relaxing weekend and I hope that you all do the same! =:o)
Going to the Service Meeting Next Week
by TR ini'm going to the meeting.
yep, that's right.
and, i'm taking a tape recorder.
YEAH T.R., tell us what happens!
I'd definitely make it a fun!!! Try to keep from laughing out loud!!! Long time ago, my little brother and I got really stoned and went to the assembly!!!!! Now that was a trip!
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
update..........we have just found out that the arrangments were canceled. There will be no calling hours or services of any kind!!!
It was first said that the service would be held at the local funeral home due to the non j.w. family and friends. He was cremated Monday and his wife *a pioneer* has called everything off. That's all I know. We were wondering if anyone had experienced such a turn around and if anyone feels that it's connected to the j.w.'s view of suicide. I wonder if it was requested that his funeral be at the Kingdom Hall, but was refused. My mother was a j.w. and her funeral was at the Kingdom Hall. My father was not a witness and after his suicide, it was decided to have the funeral at the funeral home. I realize the stigma that comes with suicide and I also know how the org. likes to protect their environment. Well, I guess now, I don't have to worry if I should go to the funeral or not!!! -
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
Thanks everyone for your imput!!!! I appreciate it soooo much. The funeral is Sat. and I think I'll go. I think it's important also that other survivors of suicide show their support. I know what they are going through and I want to show my respect, regardless of the past and present situation with the j.w. thing. I also feel that it may be important that I deal with this also. I've know the family all my life. It may not seem real to me if I don't go. I also feel it's important to everyone to show their support in any way possible. There will be other non j.w. family members there that I can interact with if the j.w.'s don't feel comfortable talking to me. I've done alot of research on suicide since I lost my dad in 1996. Someone takes their life every 17 minutes in the United States and it continues to grow at an alarming rate. It's important to me for them to know that I care and that I am sorry for their loss. So as of this moment, I think that I'm going to go to the funeral. I really appreciate anymore advice and input on this. Thanks so much.
elder commits suicide.....need advice
by Nat inhey everybody,.
my sister-in-law's brother took his life sunday afternoon.
it has been devastating to her and her family.
Hey Everybody,
My sister-in-law's brother took his life Sunday afternoon. It has been devastating to her and her family. Anyone that has lost someone to suicide knows how difficult it is to experience. I lost my dad to suicide in 1996. I left the org. a couple of years ago, as many of you know, and I haven't been in contact with alot of my j.w. family. I am struggling on weather or not I should go to the funeral. My heart is breaking for all those effected by this, and I know all to well what they are going through. Should I go and offer compasion and forget about the whole witness thing and go to the funeral? I realize some will not want to approach me and some may not know what to do. Would it be best to show my respect by sending a card or flowers? I would really appreciate any feedback. I'm just torn and don't know what to do.