Like tor1500 touched on, it is a way the Borg can use control. Its really two fold in its control. It, as tor1500 said, is used to "straighten" out wayward flock member to try and "scare" them into A- not leaving in the first place, OR, B- coming back since they lost everyone.
Another major control factor that shunning is for the Borg, is it allows them to discard and cut off ANY that THEY deem subversive or "apostate".
If someone starts to question things, or the BS that the GB is spouting is not making sense, the "looming specter" of DFing helps keep the sheeple quiet.
Then if you do have someone who IS making sense, and their questioning of the GB is valid, DFing them can control them from "tainting" any others. In the hopes of knowing that literally these persons will not even be said Hello too, it helps the Borg keep control so that ONLY their version of things an be spoken about and accepted.
JWs are a VERY high mind control cult. They are VERY extreme in their control and regulation of the R&F. Shunning is a by product of this extreme control, and can ONLY exist in a VERY high control group.
The scary thing is, and its very typical of high control groups, is that they actually have the R&F believing that shunning is for their benefit, when in reality it is an extremely unloving and unscriptural rule.
They more control they lose, then the more they ramp up the shunning. We can see this clearly is the pattern, and even more so in recent times. They cats outta the bag though. They are losing more than they are gaining, and the stricter even more higher controlling policies are back firing on them.
Its not working. All shunning does is PROVE they are a cult, and that they are a high control one at that. It accomplishes nothing but chasing more people away, which if you think about it, is maybe a good thing.
I know personally, when I was first DFd, I thought it was the worst thing that could have happened. Now, 20 yrs later, I am SOO glad it happened. It released me from the clutches of these evil men. It allowed me to really ponder if this was the truth, and I was able to research with a clear conscience other information, and now I truly DO have the truth, lol.