JoinedTopics Started by natred
Hey KENT ydych chin sariad cymraeg te?
by natred indo you speak welsh or just yakki da?.
by the way i speak italian, thai,a little german,french,welsh, and i spell them all perfectly,('tis my job) so calm down fuck face with regard to your angry last post, i was merely joking.............
song 112 (i believe!)
by natred ina remix of 'were jehovahs witnesses' .
(please sing along....).
men make gods of wood and stone,.
by open_mind ini recieved a voicemail from my bookstudy conductor last night.
he wants me to agree to a shepherding call.
i do not want to meet with them.. my question is if i do not agree to have this meeting with them, are they going to force me into a judicial hearing for not following the direction of the elders?.
who would you trust
by joelbear intaking the watchtower society out of the equation.. who would you trust more based on your history with them, the witnesses you have known throughout your life or the people you have interacted with here on this board?.
i wish people nothing but peace, but i certainly hope people have another source of peace and support in their life than this group of people offers.
Does unkind talks make you a better person?
by beroea indoes unkind talks make you a better person?.
i notice a tendency to use very rough words describing each other and their posts.
some may think that if we can make other people thing unworthy we are the ones on the top.
The poem INVICTUS - what a piece of crap!
by Tallyman in*
Bonsai Kitty
by suzi mayhem inok.. i know i've been a bit of a buster in the past, but this is for real.
there is a site out there, and apparently a demand, for modified housepets.
in a nutshell, what these ahem... [people] do is take a kitten, sedate it, insert the poor thing into a glass bottle with air holes drilled into it, and run tubes into it to feed it, and tubes into it to take care of everything else.
similarities Jws v simpson characters
by natred inthe writers of the simpsons must have had jw contacts.. think of ned flanders and his family, totally jw!!.
think ofmr burns doesnt he look just like that evil elder who would always open the theocratic ministry school?.
i am absolutely certain that fred hall is spitting image of mr burns, i can picture him so clearly in his grey raincoat and gold leaf dog eared bible walking hunchedup in the rain pestering people on a sunday afternoon.....
wost memories of being a jw....
by natred inorst memories of being a jw .
pretty high for me: .
knocking school friends and teachers doors.
I have been rumbled!
by uncle_onion ini tried to join witnet and used a different nick name.
the idea being that i could try to "help" the confused.well i got rumbled.
this is the email that i recieved back:.