loosie, no matter how crappy she behaves the one thing she cant rob you of is your memories.
shes just the woman your dad married, no need to call her your stepmum.
i hesitate to call her step mom.
i was grown by the time my dad married her.. just a little background to catch you all up.
my father died the end of last december.
loosie, no matter how crappy she behaves the one thing she cant rob you of is your memories.
shes just the woman your dad married, no need to call her your stepmum.
i would love to hear your experiences when this worked out for you.
i had a great turning of the tables when i was 22. the con.
went out to a park for picnics, softball, that sort of thing.
the last elder on my doorstep was just launching into the 'would you consider returning' so i started on the neglect of the old ones and that i was disgusted how my nan was treated for all her years of faithful service,
the fella with him dotted in with........ and how is your nan doing?
mastercard moment.
she'd been dead for months.
so apparently indian hip hop is starting to take over!...first it was the samosas!
...and curry!
dont know if the september one is a cover or original but i've heard it here and like it.
occassionally the mr will say that "some visitors are shocked because we will talk about sex, even with children in attendance.
" what exactly are they talking about in these meetings.
things like "don't masturbate" or things like if you position yourself like this, and your woman like this while having sex, then you're fornicating?.
My Book of Bible Stories
Its 116 Bible accounts appear in the order of their historical occurrence. The book is especially designed for young children, yet everyone can benefit from the book’s more than 125 beautiful illustrations. 256 pages
so apparently indian hip hop is starting to take over!...first it was the samosas!
...and curry!
i'm a bit ecclectic, i dont really mind what language its in as long as its catchy. i even like dead corny.
not long ago i had 100 'friends' - or so i thought.
i certainly had 100 or more people who said they were friends.
then i left a cult, and found myself with very few friends - those kind in the flesh, in the community.
For me.. no i would be missed quickly. My dog needs someone to feed her
my dogs eat anything and theyre running out of telly remotes and bannisters, so if i expired theyd probably eat me.
at the moment my absense would be noticed cos my youngest lives at home, and if no one opens the shop someone would want to know why.
would someone please explain how to get a utube video in these comment boxes like i'v seen so often.
also cant seem to copy and paste a picture from my pic and get it on this comment spot.
please help i want to learn and do.
i right click and get the properties of an image which gives a url to copy, then you click on the tree pic icon here in the post box and a box pops up, you copy the url of the pic into the image URL line and click insert button.
pictures have to be hosted somewhere and not directly off your computer.
did anybody notice the paragraph in today's study edition that pretty much said that "violent video games and movies are training people to be violent towards each other during the great tribulation".. i really had to do my best to not laugh when i read this.
i don't know if any of you watch penn & teller's show.
they did a show on violent video games and their effect.
and being taught to look forward to the genocide of billions is absolutely fine.
who needed violent films games as a kid when you had borg literature and the bible dishing out torture death and destruction by the shed load.
so apparently indian hip hop is starting to take over!...first it was the samosas!
...and curry!
i keep wanting to share youtube videos that are really good, but i can't seem to figure out how to do it...i tried pasting the link...i tried 'embedding' ...and it doesn't work...what am i doing wrong?
can someone teach me?.
mine does it automatically, no idea how it works tho