This religion needs to become more "mainstream" to keep its adherents. Times have changed, its not the late 1800's-early 1900's anymore. Nobody really cares about religion anymore particularly here in the U.S. I still go out in the ministry (I know, I know how can I..) and based on most reactions that I get from people they could care less about doctrines or for example Christmas being unscriptural (everyone knows that already), or Jesus is god or isn't he (besides pentacostals). Religion is a joke now, its 2014 people care about so many other things nowdays. They need to cut down the 1 weekday meeting that they have now or eliminate it and make Sundays 2-2.5 hrs and incorporate some of the TMS and Service meeting. People would be much, much happier. If they do this I think people might be ok so they are a little weird but mostly like us.