Thank you for all of your comments, I've found it very enlightening on a very personal level.
I think Roberta makes a truly excellent point with respect to therapists who see their primary role as 'helping' other JW's leave their religion or in helping others who are struggling to 'move on'. In their case I too would question whether they themselves really have moved on. Probably they have not.
I am ashamed to say that I am also one of those poor unfortunates who has found it impossible to 'move on'. I left the WT first and my wife and kids followed shortly after. She instantly made a new circle of friends, went back to University (which I also have done) and she just moved on straight away. Or so it seems.
I, however, have found it very difficult to really move myself forward in a spiritual sense as I have been led to believe that all other religion is Satanic or of the Devil.
I did go to a therapist but she always said that she was not allowed to give me her opinion as it was just that-her opinion and as such was of no real value to me. She would not even answer my questions as she said that her answer would only reflect her opinion and that I should not care what other people think.
I quickly realized that I was wasting my time talking to a person who, for whatever reasons, is not able to express their own personal opinion based on life-experience, education, wisdom, etc. You really are better off talking through your struggles with a friend/aquaintance who is able to talk to you on a level.
Anyway, after quite some time it has become obvious to me why I have not been able to move on and I am taking steps to change that. For quite some time a friend kept asking me to join their choral society. I repeatedly declined because I did not want to become involved with something I had always been led to believe was unclean despite the fact that I have always fancied doing it. Now I have a change of heart and believe it will do me a lot of good.
Ultimately, for me to truly 'move on' will probably require moving away but in the meantime there are other things I can do to help myself.
Good luck to all of you-I know its a struggle.