JoinedTopics Started by belogical
Footage from Recently Converted Kingdom Hall to a Mosque
by raymond frantz in
when jehovah’s witnesses dedicate their kingdom halls, they often refer to the example of solomon dedicating the temple in jerusalem.
it’s a solemn moment.
What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze ini would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
JWD oldtimers
by Gorb inhi friends,.
are here still some oldtimers from the earlier jwd time?
gorby .
Sam Heard in April JW cult broadcasting says are you doing all you can?
by mickbobcat inso sam rolex had this months talk on jw cult broadcasting.
my question to sam rolex is why not sell your rolex and give it to the cult?
how about muppet lett, why not sell your rental property in ga and give it to the cult?
Kingdom Halls are been opened up now.
by joe134cd inmy fathers best friend passed away a couple of days ago.
admittedly, i live in a country that is covid free, although the local dubbies are still following the advice of not meeting in the hall.
with the death of my fathers friend, the local boe must have had a change of heart.
2020-Articles Of Association--Bylaws--Notice Of Special Meeting! (as of 2020-11-25)
by Atlantis in2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
2020-10-Publications Approved For Discard! (as of 2020-10-29)
by Atlantis in2020-10--publications approved for discard.. .
reply below and i'll meet you back at the pm breakroom for coffee and a link.. .
2020-10-12--Year End Report! (as of 2020-10-14)
by Atlantis in2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section..