I went to the memorial in Brooklyn Heights. Max Larson gave the talk. He was ill-prepared and seemed to stumble through most of the talk. While I did not take notes I remember some selected phrases.
"Jehovah gave up more that Jesus did for the ransom. While Jesus gave his life, Jehovah gave his son."
If you are no longer coming to the meetings we would like to welcome you back. "Remember Jeh did not leave you; you left Jehovah." The he read a "most important scripture" about Jehovah leaving his people because of their wickedness. What fine encouragement!?
At least three times he read the scripture that faith without works is dead. Meetings- study- and field ministry: the triune of our faith. Otherwise, forgettaboutit, you ain?t making it into the new system.
A rather humorous event took place at the meeting. Cary Barber gave the prayer for the bread. If you have ever heard him pray, he has given the same prayer for a century. Well, half way through, he just stopped, no "in jesus name, yada yada ya." We were all left hanging. Max then said: "Br Barber is of the anointed and will have his 100 th birthday on July 4." I was certain that there was applause, maybe it was just me. Also, I was sitting a few rows behind Barber, I distinctly heard him humming during the whole talk. I guess if you are almost 100, you can make any noise you want.
We also had the "special announcemen"t: If you are interested in a free home bible study, just ask anyone in attendance and they will make the arrangements.
A side note, a few have suggested a reform coming. I saw no hint of reform. This was a very "hard line" do or die talk.