Hi Winston,
Of course this is just my opinion,
but I do believe the GB is responsible for turning
many people away from God.
The fact is, many people have believed that the WTS is Gods
chosen orginization and they are the only ones that have the "truth".
Only to find out that the WTS is a man run and man ruled org.
When people realize that thay have been fooled,lied to, and so on,
and have given up a large part of their lives to serve a group of men
that have claimed to be the only way to get to God, they are left
wondering if the WTS is wrong then who is right?
How many times have we heard "The WTS may not get everything right but,
they are the closest thing to the right religion around"?
I think because so many have thought this way and found that the WTS really
isn't the closest thing to the right religion, they are left with thinking that
maybe there isn't a right religion. Maybe there isn't a God that cares about mankind.
Maybe the Bible isn't the Word of God.