To many to list - and the sex abuse stuff is hard to top.
But what about this.
CO's forcing me and my interviews to change their real life stories for Convention parts, to make it fit exactly what he wants to show.
i have far too many to name, but ill start with obscene music, gambling and cussing like a sailor.
all the while preaching to "worldly people" about their impending death at armageddon.
To many to list - and the sex abuse stuff is hard to top.
But what about this.
CO's forcing me and my interviews to change their real life stories for Convention parts, to make it fit exactly what he wants to show.
yes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!?
Sounds like what happens when True Believers listen to Tony Morris.
just skimming the latest study wt that has been posted and what did i see...?.
i wonder what the message is that they want the flock to take from this picture?.
there is also an article about training younger men to take over responsibilities.
It's to late for me my friends:(
Just seeing that picture turned me Gay:(
Who knew Fabric with 15% lycra in it was really part of the Devil's Toolbox.
Save your selves!! Refuse to look at tight pants!
just skimming the latest study wt that has been posted and what did i see...?.
i wonder what the message is that they want the flock to take from this picture?.
there is also an article about training younger men to take over responsibilities.
WOW those guys on the RIGHT look so Gay - it so strange - just looking at them makes me feel like Gays are just living a different lifestyle - hmm - making me feel its not so bad that maybe the bible is wrong - hmmmm wow I am feeling gay now too.
Boy the borganization is right! Ban tight pants before we are all gay!
i used to go out early mornings with 2 pioneer elders, we would drive 20 miles out of the territory (a big no-no) to look for hikers to preach to lol of course there were never any hikers.
then off to starbucks for another hour lol easy way to count 2-4 hours.
i am chuckling as i write this, what a joke!.
I did research at the Library - looking up names for potential foreign language group to contact.
This was the COs suggestion. That was pretty easy time for a pioneer.
september 27, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: recommending convention speakers and interpreters.
september 28, 2016 to all bodies of elders having bethel brothers in their congregation re: convention speaker ratings for bethel brothers.
s-315-e 9/16 speaker and interpreter ratings.
"he thinks higher of himself than I do but last years form gave him "A"s"
This is funny - in my experience - I know many speakers whose greatest achievement was not setting the podium on fire, or taking a crap on the stage - but who thought they were the next Lincoln - and had not idea why they were not giving District talks.
Even most of the "brothers" that do not vomit on stage are crappy speakers when you compare them to speakers outside the Borganization.
september 27, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: recommending convention speakers and interpreters.
september 28, 2016 to all bodies of elders having bethel brothers in their congregation re: convention speaker ratings for bethel brothers.
s-315-e 9/16 speaker and interpreter ratings.
"Does he have a reputation for being opinionated and dogmatic? Is he known as one who is harsh in judgment? Does he view his own opinion on matters as the final word?"
Yes this means more like - you are not going to restate stupid things like - "it didnt rain before the flood" or "the earth is in the perfect position and if it moves 6 inches we will fry or freeze" or that Cobras will eat straw, and mosquitoes will just drink lemonade in paradise".
It's really code for - does a speaker try to use reality and good judgement when giving talks, which is bad, or does he just read the outline like a good cultist should.
i was 19 and being considered for ms. i went out of town to see my jw girlfriend during co visit and he was so butthurt he decided i wasn't ready!.
i thought jehovah decided?.
go figure.
It's a blessing in disguise. DON'T get appointed!!!
september 22, 2016 to all congregation service committees in the united states branch territory re: 2017 special conventions.
2017 special convention application.
instructions for entering special convention groups and applications.
Is this what they used to call International Conventions?
friday, september 30. one thing i have asked from jehovah—it is what i will look for—that i may dwell in the house of jehovah all the days of my life.—ps.
27:4.. as part of jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about god’s promised new world!
(2 pet.
... while more than 7 BILLION people are murdered at Armageddon with no mercy shown to them by a God of LOVE, even though the only "wrong" that they have done is not believing in an unconvincing message. Makes sense!
Also - where does god plan to put the estimated 100 billion people who have died? Mars and Venus?