Hello CovertsadJW - I know exactly how you feel.
Let me emphasize 1 thing.
All your actions from now on NEED to be focused on making sure you KIDS do not become JWs.
Your happiness, your marriage must be secondary to that. You OWE your kids as a man to not let them become part of this cult and waste their lives.
In their lifetime the WT will crumble, and what you dont want to happen is this. Your kids are 40, and come to you and say, "Why didnt you tell us this was all bullshit? How could you let us waste our lives dad?"
I was able to help wake up my wife (which I did not at all expect) and we all got out together.
Now my kids can be normal humans, and have a great life ahead of them.
I would be happy to give you some tips that might work if you want them.