Ex- elder. 10 years MS, 10 years elder.
Posts by bruh
Who is the FDS class from midweek meeting....last night
by Legacy inlast night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
At mine just one hand out of say 100 folks.
after the sister answered and the praised the mighty GB
she added that she just got a tablet and how thankful
she is of the organization and JW.org.
Speaking of tablets- everyone in the hall is trying
to get one. I see even 8 year olds with them!
What do you see in your "hall" with the tablets?
Baptism Requirements vs What the Bible ReallyTeach
by bruh indoes all other organized religions (christian and non-christian) other than jw's require you to go over some 100 or more questions to qualify for baptism?.
amazing how in its purest form that when in jesus christ/apostles time it was perhaps a few questions of belief and repentance.. .
Does all other organized religions (christian and non-christian) other than JW's require you to go over some 100 or more questions to qualify for baptism?
Amazing how in its purest form that when in Jesus Christ/Apostles time it was perhaps a few questions of belief and repentance.
WT's 2 BOE Letters Flip-Flop!
by JW GoneBad ineveryone knows about the recent across-the-board okay to use electronic devices in jw worship.
few, though, know about how not long ago it was considered a taboo.. first, there was that dc talk a couple of years back where they nearly demonized simply the ownership of a smart phone, ipads (i phones, blackberries, etc) let alone the use of them at meetings.
they brought out that they were a waste of time, expensive and that they exposed a christian to satan's world on the internet.
"Enjoyed your comment WingCommander"
Do you give thanks for every meal?
by bruh indo you give thanks for every meal or do you thank god once for the whole day of meals???
is thanking god for every meal scriptural or something that came along in early christianity ?
Do you give thanks for every meal or do you thank GOD once for the whole day of meals??? Is thanking GOD for every meal Scriptural or something that came along in early Christianity ??
Praying in your Heart vs. Out Load
by bruh inif i'm not mistaken- are there more "out loud" prayers in the bible than.
in your heart prayers ??
does the bible say which is more acceptable??.
If I'm not mistaken- are there more "out loud" prayers in the bible than
in your heart prayers ?? Does the bible say which is more acceptable??
Also---What scriptures prove that GOD hears and answers prayers in our hearts???
Finished Crisis of Conscience Recently
by wallievase inwell i finally got around to finishing crisis of conscience.
2 things stood out to me most.. 1. the fact that the gb can question beliefs and noone else can.. 2. strangly the most disturbing fact- its a small one- but actually made the biggest impression on me out of the whole book-.
the fact that they agreed to send him a copy of his meeting tapes and then refused and admitted in writing that they lied.. obviously there was much more that i got from it and i do find franz situation unique in that he had a whole support system outside of the "truth" and most today including myself have nothing- if i leave my wife hates me, my family wont talk to me, etc- it doesnt provide any solution for that scenario.. any thoughts on the above points- let me know.
After reading it I too came to that conclusion that religion is man made.
Too bad its hard to convince the avg. JW that "Jehovah's Organization" is made by human hands !!
Persecuted Christians
by IMHO inchristians are the single most widely persecuted religious group in the world today.
1. christian churches around the world have set apart the month of november to remember and pray for the persecuted church, through the international day of prayer for the persecuted church (idop).. 2. according to the u.s. department of state, christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in christ.. 3. with the exception of four official state-controlled churches in pyongyang, christians in north korea face the risk of detention in the prison camps, severe torture and, in some cases, execution for practicing their religious beliefs.
north koreans suspected of having contact with south korean or other foreign missionaries in china, and those caught in possession of a bible, have been known to be executed.. 4. in syria, christians are increasingly becoming the target of violent attacks.
What has the WTBS said about persecuted "Non-JW" Christians ??? Since they relate persecution only toward Jehovah Witnesses???
Summary of WT Appeal Brief in Conti Case
by Chaserious in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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if they were able to win on this ground, they could get out completely (although it could still be appealed to the ca supreme court).
Ok--Is what's found at this link a different Candace Conti from last summer??? (may have to paste the link)
Are all religions Apostates or That Evil Slave?
by bruh inif the religion now known as the catholic church is the christian religion jesus started, and based on the scripture(s) that men would rise up from among you and speak twisted things- wouldnt that make jehovahs witnesses, as a matter of fact all religions that stem from christianity- apostates or that evil slave(s) based on the faithful slave parable?.
If the religion now known as the Catholic Church is the “Christian” religion Jesus started, and based on the scripture(s) that “men would rise up from among you and speak twisted things”- wouldn’t that make Jehovahs Witnesses, as a matter of fact all religions that stem from Christianity- Apostates or That Evil Slave(s) based on the faithful slave parable?