God... it was so much easier when all I had to do was read my Watchtower and let the borg figure all of this stuff out for me. Now I see the GB can't even defend their teachings. They need this dude Rolf Furuli to defend their dates. Now we got these guys C. O. Jonsson and this resent poster Larsinger who both sound like they know what they are talking about to me who have apparently been debating for years. Call me "thick" but I am at a loss and I don't feel like reading through all of this history to make heads or tails of all of this. I will leave it up to these "experts" and then maybe cast my vote later. As for the Watchtower, my vote has been cast. You can only cry wolf so many times and the wise will wise up. I can no longer trust them. As C. O. Jonsson and many others have clearly shown, they are quite dishonest when quoting other "scholars." I try to follow threads like this and marvel at those who can actually understand all of it. I thought C. O Jonsson had it all nailed down until Larsinger popped into this thread. I don't think anyone can figure it all out. Sorry Larsinger but to me, you sound a little nutty when you say the GB was DFed in 1992. As if God was actually using these false prophets up until then? They are the "Man on Lawlessness"? You must be from e-watchman or something. I respect your Bible knowledge and your opinion but I just can't buy that. Why would God use a lier like Rutherford? Rutherford and Russell were both false prophets as well as Freddy Franz and ALL that followed him. Now you yourself sound as if you are a prophet making claims. When is all of these false prophecies going to end?
I can relate to Jesus Christ because he was simple to understand. His message of love and forgiveness was very clear. He also said that it does not belong to us to know the times or seasons. He said he would come as a thief unexpected. He said not to go after those who say the day has drawn near. I am going with Christ and his teachings. I put my trust in no man as the Bible warns us. I have been deceived enough by man.
Peace to you and may God be with you!
Your brother in Christ,