JoinedTopics Started by Nikita
Daddy's Little Girl
by Lost Diamond ini was feeling a bit nostalgic this morning in my way to work..and i guess i just feel like venting, so feel free to back out of this thread if you'd like.. i was raised as a jw since i was seven yrs.
i'm the only girl out of four kids.
we were the "ideal" witness dad was an elder, mom stayed home and waited for us to get home from school, all of us kids pioneered and got to go to pioneer school.
Your Favorite CHRISTIAN Music and Song!!
by D wiltshire inwhat is your favorite verse of song?.
what bands do you like?.
what are some of your all time favorite song?.
Elder Spread Lies! - Biggs's Part FIVE
by Mister Biggs inpart one:
part two:
i saw his wife at a mini-market.
Getting To Know Me - Biggs' Story FOUR
by Mister Biggs infor my first 9 years of life, i never experienced the death of a loved one.
i also never experienced the birth of a sibling.
however, both would come within days of each other.
Getting To Know Me - Biggs' Story THREE
by Mister Biggs inbiggs, part 1:
biggs, part 2:
the reason why i wanted to be a protector for my little brother was because of what happened to me and my older brother when we were kids.. you see, we had a cousin (about 5 years older than me) who was abusive toward me and my older brother (4 years older than me).
Getting To Know Me - Biggs' Story TWO
by Mister Biggs inpart one is here:
my mom was studying with a woman named cheryl who lived around the corner from us.
cheryl's daughter was the same age as me.
Was Judas Worthy to Partake?
by Tower Man inthe wt, 2-1-02 says on p. 15, that only after judas was gone did jesus institute the memorial of his death.
after researching all 4 gospel accounts, this is simply not true.
luke 22:21 makes it very clear that judas was, in fact, present and active in partaking of the bread and wine.
by You Know ingood news/bad news.
first, the good news: the good news, at least as far as the watchtower's multitudinous enemies are concerned, is that the watchtower's days are definitely numbered.
the bad news, as far as apostates should be concerned, is that the days for this present system, as we know it, are also of equally short duration.