If God didn't want gay marriage, he wouldn't have created homosexuals in the first place ... and he certainly would have made an outright law banning gay marriage, without extremists creating "ransom-note" scriptures, by taking a few words from one scripture and a few from another, pasting it all together until they have something they claim is from God saying that gays are evil. Talk about blasphemy.
JoinedPosts by matt2414
UK Gay Marriage 2015! :)
by TimothyT inthere is a huge debate going on about it now between governments and religions.
i say bring it on.
i wonder what the jw stance on this issue is!
What does the Bible really say about abortion?
by matt2414 induring the current election campaigns for president in the united states, women's health care and reproductive rights have been targeted by conservative candidates in an effort to appeal to evangelicals and religious extremists.
keeping in mind that in the u.s. a pregnancy can be legally terminated as long as the embryo or fetus is not considered potentially viable (not able to survive on its own or with artificial aid) outside the womb, what does the bible say about abortion?
are the arguments of jehovah's witnesses and other religious fundamentalists sound in this regard?.
That's what I thought. I couldn't even find anything convincing or reasonable in the "Reasoning" book. I have to admit, I would myself would have second thoughts about abortion, but I refuse to impose my will or personal beliefs on others.
UK Gay Marriage 2015! :)
by TimothyT inthere is a huge debate going on about it now between governments and religions.
i say bring it on.
i wonder what the jw stance on this issue is!
Gay marriage in UK? That just gives me another reason to visit England. I love the British! I'm tired of the politics and politicizing scriptures in an effort to discriminate against gays, all in an effort to grab power in an election.
What does the Bible really say about abortion?
by matt2414 induring the current election campaigns for president in the united states, women's health care and reproductive rights have been targeted by conservative candidates in an effort to appeal to evangelicals and religious extremists.
keeping in mind that in the u.s. a pregnancy can be legally terminated as long as the embryo or fetus is not considered potentially viable (not able to survive on its own or with artificial aid) outside the womb, what does the bible say about abortion?
are the arguments of jehovah's witnesses and other religious fundamentalists sound in this regard?.
During the current election campaigns for president in the United States, women's health care and reproductive rights have been targeted by conservative candidates in an effort to appeal to evangelicals and religious extremists. Keeping in mind that in the U.S. a pregnancy can be legally terminated as long as the embryo or fetus is not considered potentially viable (not able to survive on its own or with artificial aid) outside the womb, what does the Bible say about abortion? Are the arguments of Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious fundamentalists sound in this regard?
On what scriptures does the WT oppose higher education?
by matt2414 inrecently the wt has taken a stricter stand regarding going to college and getting a higher education.
does anyone know what scriptures the wt uses to support this?
i can't find any in the bible.
Thanks for all the information and links. After reading them over, I still don't see any scriptures that prohibit going to college. This seems to be a case of mere imperfect humans going "beyond what is written" in an effort to "lord it over" the congregation and "exercise authority over" its members. (Matt. 20:25) It is the height of hypocrisy to condemn so-called higher education in the publications but then use attorneys, architects and lawyers at the Watchtower headquarters. True Christians do not condemn something out of one corner of their mouths, but then out of the other corner praise selected individuals who can benefit their cause. The ends cannot justify the means.
The example of Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary, is taken out of context in an effort to discourage college. Baruch wrote down the prophecy of Jerusalem's doom from the mouth of Jeremiah and read it to the king, the princes and the people. He was an eyewitness to Babylon's seige on Jerusalem. What he did took a lot of courage and it made him weary. Understandably he sought "great things for himself," if great means wanting to live a life that wasn't all doom and gloom. It had nothing to do with trying to get a college education. You would have to twist the scriptures beyond recognition to make such an application.
At times the WT has praised individuals who go to technical schools, but even those schools are often more costly, have high drop out rates, and produce unreliable results in comparison to colleges. High school is praised even though many students leave with no useful job skills. Statements are made in the publications that a college degree has limited value and doesn't guarantee work, but in the same articles it mentions that people who get their degrees are materialistic and striving to be rich. You can't have it both ways. The articles don't mention that most jobs today do require a degree even if you have the skills. They also don't mention that you can earn various levels of degrees such as an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree or a doctoral degree, and most of these won't earn you wealth. Getting an associate's or bachelor's degree doesn't mean you're materialistic, it just means you want a job so you can fulfill your scriptural obligations.
To discourage fellow Christians from getting a proper education to support his family borders on apostasy when you consider Paul's warnings at 1 Timothy 5:8: "If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" and 2 Thessalonians 3:10: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
One more thought, why is it that the WT urges children to go to grade school through high school in the face of taunts, bullying, the flag salute issue, the holidays, sports, sex education, etc., even though they are only minors, but yet adult Christians are too weak for evolution classes and critical thinking courses in a more mature setting found at universities? There must be a hidden agenda here somewhere. It reminds me of the plantation owners who kept their slaves uneducated in order to control them.
Gay and proud for a year
by TimothyT inwow... i cant believe it has now been a year since i accepted that im gay.
it has been the best year of my life for so many reasons.
i have met my boyfriend who i adore, i have stopped lying to myself, my family and my friends, i am doing really well financially and spiritually, and of course, i am no longer a part of a deluded and oppressive religion.. it feels so good to be free!
Congratulations, Tim! You are a great role model for me and many others. Keep up the good work.
On what scriptures does the WT oppose higher education?
by matt2414 inrecently the wt has taken a stricter stand regarding going to college and getting a higher education.
does anyone know what scriptures the wt uses to support this?
i can't find any in the bible.
Recently the WT has taken a stricter stand regarding going to college and getting a higher education. Does anyone know what scriptures the WT uses to support this? I can't find any in the Bible. What's their reasoning? If God created our amazing brains that we can hardly put to full use in our short lifetimes, why would the WT deny its members from using them as God intended?
When Solomon asked for wisdom, God very generously complied. Adam was taught by God, Moses was given knowledge by the Egyptians, God filled the man Jesus with wisdom and knowledge, and he searched out Paul, an educated man, to be an apostle. I don't see the WT's basis for opposing knowledge.
Friends from Texas or Oklahoma, What Happened to Sam Robertson CO?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inwhat happened to this co, i hear he is at gilead, i would love to know what this good brother is up to.
That's what I have heard, that he teaches at Gilead at Patterson. I've also heard from two sources that he now partakes of the emblems.
not sure if this thought has been dealt with from the april wt
by therevealer inthey have used this sort of bull in the past.
but this time they really amp it up with the relating themselves with jesus.
and why are they still such cowards.
The Watchtower is misapplying that discussion between Jesus and Peter. Jesus still exists in heaven and so do his words in the Bible, so he doesn't need to be replaced by anyone to apply this to our times. Peter, a follower of Christ, would represent Christian followers today. If we find something hard to understand in the scriptures today, should we turn away and abandon them? The Bible has sayings of everlasting life, where else is there to go? On the other hand, "Christian publications" and the "faithful steward" have no place in this example. The so-called faithful steward or slave class of the Jehovah's Witnesses are mere humans, whose interpretations of the scriptures are subject to change, tossed hither and thither like waves in an ocean. (Ephesians 4:14) The Bible is the source of truth, which is why Paul wrote: "Let God be true, and every man a liar." (Romans 3:4)
Yesterday's WT
by tornapart inanyone who's still 'in' and went yesterday, how did it make you feel?.
before i went i read the passage of scripture from romans 7 and 8 in a couple of other translations bsides nwt.
beautiful and uplifting, how the spirit guides us and helps us overcome our imperfect nature.
Just a thought:
I've noticed that the WT nearly always applies the bulk of the NT to the anointed. They reason that if Jesus was speaking to his followers, then they would be (future) anointed at the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost; or if Paul was writing to a congregation, then the members of the congregation would all be of the anointed, and so on.
Well, if that's the case and following that logic, wouldn't the preaching work apply mainly to the anointed? Wasn't Jesus speaking to the future anointed when he uttered the words of Matt. 28: 19, 20 and Acts 1:8? While the "great crowd" may assist, they can't take away a responsibility that belongs to the anointed. The so-called anointed should be doing the bulk of the preaching work -- especially since younger ones are now claiming to be such. In fact, they should all be full-time pioneers, at least. And since the members of the so-called Governing Body claim to be foremost of the anointed, then they should be taking the lead in this and be out in the door to door work everyday, just like Jesus did. He didn't need to sit behind a desk to organize his followers.
Just a thought.