I realize that many people like to use this expression "Adam and Eve not Adam & Steve," but if you step back and analyze what you are saying, you'll find that that is a very hollow argument for expressing hate toward fellow humans, children of God. That thinking raises several uncomfortable questions that many so-called Christians find difficult to answer.
Example 1: Who created homosexuality and homosexuals? Is there another creator that the Bible doesn't speak of? Does God share the creation of humans with Satan? Homosexuals are here and they had to come from somewhere. Where? By the way, the animals came before man, so who made hundreds, if not thousands, of species them homosexual? They didn't sin, not are they influenced by human culture, so where did they come from. If you marvel at the animals and animal instinct, do you despise the homosexual aspect even though it's obvious this "design" came from God?
Example 2: If you are thinking that homosexuality is a choice, then, at what age did you decide to become heterosexual? How do you suppress your longing and, yes, lusting after others of the same sex in order to live your life as a heterosexual? You see, if it's a choice, it must be present in all human. Why would "gift" of sexual choice just be present in a few. If it's a choice, why is it that many homosexuals realize they are different before ever experiencing sex or even knowing what it is? If you think it is learned, then why do some people who live in areas not exposed to homosexuality, indoctrinated by heterosexuality, told they would be disfellowshipped if they became homosexual, preached that God would hate/not give them privileges/kill them if they turned gay, still come out as gay? Why do a large number of children of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormon's come out as gay, if they were raised in households following their church's tenets and their fathers are elders? If it's a choice, how is it that when blindfolded, gays are aroused by the pheromones of the same sex, while straights are aroused by the pheromones of the opposite sex? If sexual orientation is set at an early age, how can God hold people responsible for something that has been all but hard-wired into them?
Example 3: Just because God created heterosexuals, remember, the woman came from the man, not from the ground as Adam was. She was part man, according to the Bible. So regardless of sexual orientation, humans are compatible. If God only created two humans in the beginning, is it logical that he would create two homosexuals to populate the earth? Is it logical or befitting of a student of the Bible to even use this argument? If you think so, then answer this: Where were the Africans, Anglos, Asians, Hispanics and others during creation? With just two people, where were the green-eyed, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, and dark-eyed people? Straight-haired, curly-haired, wavy-haired, and nappy-haired people? Where were the tall, short, dwarf and average height people? How about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals? In other words, you couldn't possibly have everyone there if there were only two people and, really, only one person (Adam) to start with. So to say that God disapproves of gays because none were in the Garden of Eden is to say that he also disapproves of everone else that wasn't represented either. However, we're all here today and that's what matters. If you believe in God, it looks like he wanted all this variety. Who are we to speak for him and suggest otherwise. Isn't that "going beyond what is written?"
Example 4: Some have ignorantly suggested that sexual urges toward those of the same sex is the same as alcoholism or drug addiction. Really? Did God put the desire and urges for alcohol in humans when he created them? Did he put the desire/urges for drugs in humans when he designed them? Did he put the desire for food in humans when he created them? Did he put sexual urges in humans when he made them? If you believe in God, you cannot answer No to all these questions, therefore, the argument is flawed and weak. Desire for food and sex are natural and we need them for survival as a species. So to tell gay to stop their urges is to tell them to quit living, and go against a desire that God put in each one of us.
These are just a few examples of questions that anti-gay people should be able to answer before they attempt to speak for God, putting words in his mouth, saying that he hates gays or they need to change who they are.