Another one of these? :)
I think that science has actually done a wonderful job of explaining how we are here.
Planets, and other bodies, exist because of the basic law of gravity i.e. mass being (weakly) attracted to mass.
The odds against things, including organisms, existing as they do are huge. This doesn't prove god's existence, rather, it's just an indicator that there were a huge number of "attempts" (I use quotes because it's difficult to imagine inorganic matter attempting anything).
Apparently, science has shown that something from nothin is possible. I won't pretend that I understand that bit. I could probably do so if it were explained individually over a sufficiently lengthy time frame.
It reminds me of the old betting scam where someone reckons they have surefire winners in an accumulator. If enough people sign up and put money on, there will probably be a winner. So it is with universes, I think.