Honestly, it feels to me like the stages of grief.
1. Denial and Isolation - it's hard to believe it's true that you were deceived all those years. You withdraw into yourself.
2. Anger - you get pissed because of being so stupid and because others are being deceived. You want to shout it from the rooftops.
3. Bargaining - you try to see if you can keep living the lie to keep family and friends. Maybe you think you can still be a witness and just ignore what you don't agree with.
4. Depression - you start hating yourself because you're living a lie. Perhaps you're teaching things you don't believe. You feel like a hypocrite and get a really low self esteem. You don't know if you can go on living this way.
5. Acceptance- you finally accept the fact that this religion is based on lies and accept that you can move on and it doesn't control your life anymore.
Now I haven't been through all these stages, but it certainly feels like I'm experiencing some of them.