Don't cha just LOVE the way that they make it sound like the Docs that treat the GB and the Lawyers that crusade for WTS court victories just fall out of the trees? Where in the HELL do they think these people come from? Who taught them to run the first printing presses? Who figured out their precious MEPS computers? College Grads...all of them. This is such BS to make those who choose to actually plan for their futures look like some kind of lesser person. This is just the kind of WT bullshit that makes me sick. I, through circumstances I won't go into, was at the morning session of the convention when they announced this tract's release. I had to get up and meander the halls in preference to sitting there listening to this kind of tripe. Of course, I was joined by all the future 'dub college students who also were meandering the halls cruisin' for chics, (or dudes as the case may be).
I later asked my 'dub wife...(a college grad herself) about this. I know it's something she definitely disagrees with the WT on. She says her thinking on this is that most that the 'dubs recruit these days aren't exactly college material. Not the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean. They direct this stuff at this class of people because they are afraid that the very same trait of being succeptable to WTS party lines, will cause them to be succeptable to this "worldly" thinking and thereby the tearing down of their faith, and eventually the loss of their eternal life.
I thought this was a plausible explanation that bears more thought. This says lots about the quality of people that the WTS targets for their message.
Just some random thoughts...