how do you feel about telling people you were a jw, does it make you feel like admiting you were a flasher or some strange perv?.
i told a lady the other day who asked about what i was doing for christmas, that i used to be a jw, but i had to make sure she knew i was brought up as one by my parents , just so she didn't think it was my choice.. she thought i was very brave for leaving though.
Well, when I meet someone's one of those things where I have to get to know them really well before I share that part of my life with them. I guess I don't want it to be a defining factor in my new relationships. Kind of like the way that some homosexuals say that, though they are not ashamed, they do not want it to be the defining point of who they are. I hope that I'm making sense here.
i've just been playing back farkels rendition of his "dubsticks".
it really makes me smile, the way that he makes the melody weave in an out of "chopsticks" and then "from house to house" in a way that is so fluid that it brings to mind the almost seamless stitching together of the old "hooked on 45's" and "hooked on classics" albums of the early 80's.. so i was thinking, what kingdub songs could we weave effortlessly into existing music?
i can think of two or three right now.. "we thank you jehovah" bears more than a passing resemblance to haydns "creation" imho.. then again "keep your eyes on the pies" is almost, to my tuneless ear anyway, a carbon copy of "some day my prince will come" from the movie snow white.. finally, an old kingdub song whose name escapes me, but carrying the words "it's your commission now to preach", always puts me in mind of the main them running through wagners "lohengrin".. now i'm not suggesting for one minute that maestro farkel should work on melodies such as these for the sole purpose of our mutual tittilation.
do jws work instead of holidaying with all the "evil" people ?.
i was wondering, because the jws here holiday it up more than the 'worldly' people at christmas and easter (just without the decorations) - i suppose it's just more and more hypocrisy - i'm not sure why i'm even bothering to post this - i suppose i want someone to tell me "no they work instead" - to show some honour - so that their consistent hypocritical eagerness for "what others get" doesn't make me embarrased to be a human as well.. .
Well, I know that at least one was working. My sis-in-law has the same ISP as I do. She called for some technical assistance and as she was hanging up, she wishe the dude a Merry Christmas. He told her that he didn't celebrate X-mas. LOL...JW hard at work!
don't you just hate the way the writing dept stirs up the imaginations of jw-- by asking such wisea$$ questions- .
notice how long winded the wt is in answering a simply yes or no question- it is due to such articles like this esp as they raise a question that often times is never really answered, and requires what was discussed a few threads back do you discern what the wt is saying.
This is so typical. Talk about pharasaical! I can't believe that they even devote the paper and ink to this subject. The answer to their question is simple...."WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS?"
like many of you, dear friends, i have several j.w.
i almost lost myself many many times in trying to hang on to a relationship with my mother, which was always controlled by where my status was in the org.
Hey, hang in there. There is hope for us moron siblings who are such a-holes to begin with. The time in their lives just isn't right at the moment. I remember when my sister told me her feelings, I had my ex (the psycho-bitch from hell...we call her Satan) bending my ear about the need to protect our children from this bad influence, etc. I came to the realization that I didn't like having NO contact with my sister. For a while, I knew neither if she was alive or dead. It was a stark realization. I missed out on 2 years of a relationship that I can never get back. I am ever thankful that my sis was so forgiving of me for the way that I treated her. I have expressed to her the guilt that I feel for cutting her off when her need was at its greatest. I can never get those years back, but I can treasure our relationship that is not fettered by any group of men in NY and their edicts. As a matter of fact, I will tell you that my sis is a member of this site and has even participated in this thread. So, see? there is much hope.
I wish all the other drivers out there a Merry Christmas multiple times every day.
Oh, of course, in typical CB Radio Jargon it sometimes is reduced to "Have a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy." But, they know what I mean.
So, everyone....Have a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy! Y'all look good back to the split...I ain't seen no speed cops...Chicken Coops are locked up...Oh, carried away.
In a word? NO! I figure in 70 years, I'll just be so much more worm shit. I just hope that I can make a difference for the ones that I love. I'm not egotistical enough to expand this to leaving a mark on the world, most, I'm just a regular working guy.
I play powerball regularly. My JW wife seems to have no problem daydreaming with me about what we'd do if we hit the big one. Actually, I'd probably have her claim the prize so my ex couldn't sue me for a bunch of it.