i enjoy my penis from a womans perspective and i enjoy my vagina from a mans perspective.
Are you trying to tell us something?
after responding to the nekkid women thread i got to thinking that i would like to hear more thoughts on this.
am i alone in thinking that lots of women have as great of interest in sex as men?
that they love it just as much or more?
i enjoy my penis from a womans perspective and i enjoy my vagina from a mans perspective.
Are you trying to tell us something?
phil donahue debuted on msnbc tonight.
i entered his rant after it started, however, it was about the pledge of allegiance and jw's.
his guest is pat buchanan and phil is ranting about how great the jw supreme court decision was in 1942. he said the witnesses were persecuted for not pledging and that they were brave people.
ROFLMAO @ dantheman
my daughter had to attend the assembly last weekend due to the fact that it fell during the visitation time that she has with her dad.she noticed a change during the baptism talk and she was't sure if she heard it correctly.. she said the statement just prior to the two questions was that the ones dedicating themselves to baptistm were dedicating themselves to jehovah and not to an organization.. yet when the questions were actually asked, it asked if they would dedicate themselves to god and that the baptism identifies you as being in association with jehovah's withnesses as god's spirit directed organization .
in essence are they still not focusing on dedicating themselves into submission and obligation to a man made organization?
did anyone else who attended the convention notice this?
Good for her for catching that. Now I have to wonder if my dear niece pays that much attention while in school.
the last days in the 14th century
all through recorded history there have been people who have pointed to the calamities, horrors and disasters in the world, and preached that this signified an imminent end of the world.
this isnt even unique to christianity, which started off with strong millennial expectations in the 1st century, and for the most part retains the same expectations almost 2000 years later.
I had noidea!
Shhhhsshh...that was suppose to be out secret!!!
the last days in the 14th century
all through recorded history there have been people who have pointed to the calamities, horrors and disasters in the world, and preached that this signified an imminent end of the world.
this isnt even unique to christianity, which started off with strong millennial expectations in the 1st century, and for the most part retains the same expectations almost 2000 years later.
Damn...This means I better start saving for retirement...
my mother was chatting between myself and my daughter about something, and as she talked, she was absentmindedly opening her mail.
without any thought about it, she was ripping into the subscription wrapper of a watchtower.
i broke into the conversation to say "that might just be the last time you'll ever do that".
You mean they had paper back then?
do superstitions control your life?
that's the cover article of the august 1st 2002 watchtower.
a prime example of the mongrel dogma that results when a religions.
Don't forget the ritual burning of anything thought to be
demonized. You can't simply put a demonized item in the garbage
because it might find its way back into your house. You've got to
burnnnnnnnnn it
So if you burn it and don't hear the screaming does that mean it wasn't possessed? Funny, in bible reading I only read where they possessed a living form not an article of some kind..I guess that means there really are smurfs. BTW, I'm still not going to step on any cracks in the side walk.
first time in a long time.
my door was open, i went into the living room and saw them standing at the door.
they (two old men) said " we are in your neighborhood for a brief bible discussion".
Yep, you spoke to will be a return visit for sure.
hello all.... for those who don't wife and i have been married for almost 7 years, she had left the wt before we met.
i have never been a jw.
after 9/11 my mother in law used fear to "scare" her back into the (b)org.. ok, now 10 months later our marriage is in serious trouble.
{{{FRUSR8TD}}} If I have learned anything about someone wearing rose colored glasses is that they will only choose to see what they want to see. Your wife has as so many have, has succumbed to their scare tactics most likely because they hold the life of your children at stake (hostage). Maybe with some time she will see that all is not as it appears, after all she must have seen it at one time to have stayed away for the time that she did. At this point in wanting to save your marriage all you can do is agree to disagree and try and leave religion out of it or your marriage is doomed for sure. I know it must hurt that she is not willing to make the time to work on things if the meetings are standing in the way, it kind of shows you where you are on her list of priorities. All you can do is tactfully show her what you are learning because pushing the issues with her not being ready to accept will only make matters worse. Another thing that I have learned is that someone will only hear and accept something if that is what they want. Good Luck in the counseling! ~Noi~
<p>i know that jehovah`s witnesses are the most loving people on this planet, and deserve all the kindness, consideration and love in return.</p> <p>they are spending their whole lives, trying to save ours.</p> <p>it is so easy to bring or put people down, but when one reads the scriptures in the correct context as they do, there is nothing any one can say against them.</p> <p> </p> <p>if only we read jehovah`s word more often and study it as they do then there would be peace and love toward and for each other.</p> <p>may jehovah god be with you for ever.</p> <p> </p>
new here huh?