Oh boy! Demon stories...these are always great fun. In the late 70's after I left Bethel, I had a Witness girlfriend. Unknown to me, she suffered from anxiety attacks and depression. I bought a solid gold antique watch for her and had it completely refurbished at considerable expense. She gave it back to me because her elder father had determined that her anxiety attacks were actually demon attacks from the watch. By the way, her anxiety attacks did not resolve. Perhaps the demon attacks were caused the used car her father bought for her!
JoinedPosts by DisgruntledFool
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/qzpj3kzgidi?si=x1xazpqmed1zq5h2.
ah, yes, another shining example of the watchtower’s *unmatched* commitment to rational thought.
forget logic, science, or even basic common sense—just blame that suspiciously cursed handbag for all your troubles!
serena williams
by FreeFallin innot really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
Technically, Serena Williams was not a 'cheerleader' at this event, however this is what young people were told back in 1992 in regards to cheering for a school sports team:
"Could a Christian really be "dedicated" to something as vain as promoting school spirit? Hardly; nor would it be appropriate for a Christian youth to urge a crowd to chant slogans or to sing songs that glorify violence or idolize teams and sports heroes. And as mentioned previously, the dangers of "bad associations" is a valid concern. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Too, let us not forget the obvious problems that could result from parading around - and dancing- in the immodest attire cheerleaders are often required to wear! (Timothy 2:9)" g92 2/8 pp 11-13
I'm with Magnum...FUCK EM!
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is composed of FAKERS, FOOLS, FRAUDS AND FUCK-UPS! Thus it has always been...thus it shall always be.
Many of the old timers here remember when brothers were counseled if they didn't wear a white shirt, wore multi colored socks and didn't wear a suit (matching pants and coat) and when sisters were hounded to keep their dresses and skirts at exactly the middle of their knees!
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?
OLD MAN by Neil Young. I'll be 70 this year.
Footage from Recently Converted Kingdom Hall to a Mosque
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/kjqwfeuhpji?si=6ahbituygdyiq3za.
when jehovah’s witnesses dedicate their kingdom halls, they often refer to the example of solomon dedicating the temple in jerusalem.
it’s a solemn moment.
WATCHTOWER logic at its finest:
Average Joe Witness can't work on a building (church, mosque, temple etc.) owned by 'Babylon the Great' so that he can make a living, feed his family, afford to go out in service preaching the 'good news' and probably make a donation to the 'Worldwide Work'.
However, The Governing Body can sell a Kingdom Hall to 'Babylon the Great' and use the funds to further the "World Wide' work.
Makes perfect sense to me.
GB Update - Meet the new GB members
by eyeslice ini overheard my wife listening to '2023 governing body update #2, presented by kenneth cook jnr.
a few points i got from it.. new hour requirements.
quote "with the new hour requirements for pioneers, many us us can share in the pioneer work.
"There are NO new Remnant!" - Nathan H. Knorr died June 8, 1977
"Yahweh" pronunciation is more correct (w60 8/1 pp. 453-455)
by psyco in.
https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 (substitute .borg with .org)furthermore, today in every jw publication the tetragrammaton is rendered as yhwh which is more preserved by yahweh than by jehovah..
I am waiting for 'New Light' admitting that El Kabong was the True God all along!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/hwzly3fnpdo?si=0p8zd0_9a-lwtb_9.
the study article 2 from the january 2025 watchtower study edition titled “husbands, honor your wife” represents a marked shift from the earlier, stricter watchtower stance on marital intimacy among jehovah’s witnesses.
this article’s language feels more relaxed, with paragraph 17 and its footnote stating, “the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
It is now officially in writing. The Elders can no longer give a 'tongue lashing' to married couples engaged in sexual foreplay that they themselves might disapprove of.
Elder's manual or similar from early to mid 1960s re sexual abuse issue
by Lee Marsh ini am looking for any information given to elders during the early to mid 1960s on how to deal with child sexual abuse within the congregation.
it could be in letters or in some version of an elder's handbook or a letter to the elders that specifies how elder were to deal with the issue of sexual abuse within the congregation; not going to elders, silence about the issue, how to handle it with the minor and the accused.. if there was any direction to the elders that precedes this time period that would work too..
I'd be interested in that, also. My mother brought a family into the religion in the early 1960's and it was an open secret that the father was molesting his oldest daughter. He was never disfellowshipped or reproved and could go out in service and be involved in the ministry school.
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog inhe will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience..... the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
a christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience.
generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage..
Flip the narrative. What if the woman in the relationship craves cunnilingus and/or fellatio? Nothing in the article approaches the subject from her perspective. Typical male dominated myopic theocratic Watchtower reasoning. Most men, especially religious ones, are loathe to admit that some women have a higher and stronger sex drive than they do and if given the chance she could 'wring her husband out like a washtowel' and come right back for more.
1/25 WT: Oral and Anal sex are a go - if she's ok with it
by neat blue dog inhe will not pressure her to engage in sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable, that are demeaning, or that bother her conscience..... the bible does not provide details as to what sexual practices between a husband and a wife should be considered clean or unclean.
a christian couple must make decisions that reflect their resolve to honor jehovah, to please each other, and to maintain a clean conscience.
generally speaking, a couple would not discuss with others this intimate aspect of their marriage..
Beards, cunning linguists and tossed salad...WOW. There is going to be a lot of smirks, smiles and contented, knowing looks at the Morning Worship tables at Bethels around the world coming from both men and women!