Oh, young love. I was 21 once and loved someone then, not the same as who I love now. I know right now it seems like the pain of heartache will never go away but somehow we go on. I first started looking into JWs because I had/have a romantic interest in an inactive, but still indoctrinated, JW. For me, even inactive-but-indoctrinated was too much because I kept thinking about the future. What would it look like? Never able to share birthdays or create special memories at holidays with someone I loved so much. More of the same with any future children because they would live "the best way of life"(TM)...er, because of manmade rules with no rhyme or reason. Every discovery about the JWs has been shocking. How has a web of lies been so effective at keeping 8 million-plus people in bondage? So I've stepped away for now, but who knows what may the future may bring?
Maybe you and your girlfriend can make it work. Just know indoctrination is real and human love does not conquer all. You'll have to decide for yourself whether it's worth it. Don't get baptized and ask questions while you can. Make the decisions about the girl and joining the religion separately. If it's a package deal, from what I've learned here, you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of unrest.