There was always, within the past congs my family members and I went to, a plethora of gossip and slander. It didn't matter whether a dub was PIMI (Super or Plain), PIMO, or PIMQ, in addition to the POMOs, DA'd and DF'd exjws. If a dub DIDN'T PERSONALLY LIKE NOR RESPECT another dub, there was bound to be slander/hearsay--even if the info was about something very minute. The Borg has also subliminally influenced their membership--in addition to some who have had issues in this area prior to conversion and this cultcorporation exacerbated these--to be suspicious, therefore causing some of the R&F with these personality traits to become the worst tattletalers out there!
Also, as a former RP, I had brothers, uncles, and cousins who were elduhs and MSs. They divulged, after their leaving the Borg, all about the above and more.