Yes, in a congregation in Kentucky, there were over 90 people in attendance (almost 100). This is a place that usually has 70 - 75 people for TMS and SM. The hall was packed out, like CO's visit.
The disaster was mentioned in nearly every talk of the night: (Bible highlights, Bible reading, Announcements, Service Meeting). There was even a special local needs talk about it.
'Sideline' JW's who may have been avoiding meetings are getting scared. Perhaps they fear WW3 and Armageddon is knocking on their door, and they're not going to take any chances.
I was encouraged to see many Witnesses in the congregation truly hurt by what had happened in NYC and Arlington. Unfortunately, the Service Meeting speaker told the cong. to use the tragedy to place more mags and go out in service more.
No mention was made of relief efforts.