Sorry folks the meeting got cancelled.
JoinedPosts by nowaytess
We're off to Florida!
by ISP inyep we leave tommorrow!
it would be nice to meet some of you mean apostate type folk that deserve everlasting death etc.
btw i got this mailed to me.
We're off to Florida!
by ISP inyep we leave tommorrow!
it would be nice to meet some of you mean apostate type folk that deserve everlasting death etc.
btw i got this mailed to me.
There is an XJW meeting this weekend if you like to join us.
It is Saturday and Sunday June 1&2 in apokla, fl near Orlando.
Just email me for information
Christian Witness of Jehovah.
by Will Power inchristian witness of jehovah.. isn't this an oxymoron?
For those who don't even want to Know the Jesus of the Bible.
Dissociated family excluded from funeral services
by Pardus inapparently, disassociated relatives are not allowed to be in the procession lines at kingdom hall services.
they can attend but they cannot be with their relatives to receive condolenses.
this happened recently to someone whose aunt had passed away.
This is from the same people who would not even tell me my mother died?
Are you kidding,
My family never was JWS. Wehn I Da myself, the elder tiold me if I did not move out, they were going to Df my roomate. Never mind I treated her well etc.
Since I was trying to get reinstated a few eeks after I left they elders knew where I lived. I forgot to give my relitives my new address and phone information.
Well mom died and called my old roomates house. It was less than a month after I moved out.
As you have it she called the PO and he never contacted me. I had to find out from my x-boyfriend's job. The State Police of Vermont had to track me down at the request of my family.
Well after I came home from teh funderal then the Po and Do showed up at my door. 10 days after my mom' s death he said he was sorry. All they wanted to know is how much I know if I was going to talk. I was involved in a local beating case which made statewide headlines.
JW reaction when molestation issue doorstep
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: wed may 22, 2002 12:26 pm.
subject: just had jw at my door.
You mean she accually discussed giving her Edler husband a BJ? I guess they just can't satisfy each other in bed.
Now why have they been never brough up to a judical comittee? I guess the BJ would stop and he would not want that or any other elder who is getting head.
JW reaction when molestation issue doorstep
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: wed may 22, 2002 12:26 pm.
subject: just had jw at my door.
I brought up the dateline because the guys was a turkey to begin with.
He accually had the nerve to show me Mat 5;3 about not being meek because I woul dnot let him control the converstaion. He is a Greek man past retirment age. I guess he was cranky.
I guess it is the bill collector in me. When I hear or see a phony it is reflex. The guy did not see it coming boy.
When I first mentioned molestation issue of Jehovah's Witness you can see I hit a real nerve. I wish I had a camera. Then he in a loud voice brough out the Catholic church problems. How many rank in file Catholics are defending or trying to cover up for those petophile priets? For them it is stake buring time.
I saw the wife took off like a rocket when I mentioned Child molestors. After I told him I was an XJW and my experinces most would have jmust folded up and gone away. Not this guy he had to make his pronouncement of damnation on my doorstep. He was loud enough so all my neighbors could hear him. Worse they just cut right across their lawns with out any regurad of the consequences. I guess he did not get what he bargined for. I think he was an elder or know of a situation wher Pedophiles are involved.
BTW, I just can't see how he could miss a magnectic sign on the back of my car advertising my webpage. I have XJW try to pull me over just to talk to me. Plus with the disply of flowers on my lawn in the shape of a cross, did he not know it would mean trouble?
The whole car group just keep staring at my house afterwards. I must not only was the talk, but discussion at the next KH meeting and all the local juicy JW gossip ( they are not suppose to gossip, just on people like me, huh?) Then they noticed my website. Maybe they might down load it.
Overheard this at last meeting...JW's: No idea!!!
by TheApostleAK inoverheard a small group (elders, ms, pioneers etc) complaining about the church in adelaide called the paradise community church (recently featured in the advertiser and has ads on tv).
they started discussing it and one asked "what have they got they we don't have????
"....which was followed with a lot of head-shaking and head-scratching.. ever heard of freedom guys???.
And I thought it was the fact the served better food after the service.
I live in the South and there noting tastier than a southren church dinner event at a Southren Baptist. Espcially if it is BBQ
JW reaction when molestation issue doorstep
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: wed may 22, 2002 12:26 pm.
subject: just had jw at my door.
From: "nowaytess" < [email protected]>
Date: Wed May 22, 2002 12:26 pm
Subject: Just had JW at my doorADVERTISEMENT
What a Morning!
We just had JWS at my door. Now this is very rare because I have my
club's webiste on a magnetic sign on the back of my car.The guy was hard headed, but the woman began to get nervous because
of the scriptures I was pointing out to them Of couse he had to
insist it was angels. He got upset at Rev 14 when I asked him if any
of the annointed were women? I informed according to that scripture
those annoited were gay. I told him of course we know how God feels
about Homosexuality.Then I ask him aobut the child molesttion going on in the
organization. I did tell him about the Dateline special on May 28 and
told him and his wife they should watch it. Then JW exploded at my
door step. I mean realy exploded and lost it. He must have been an
elder.Then in the next breath brought out about the Catholic church. then I
finally told him I was a JW, and my husband told him to look behind
my car. I told him aobut the few cases I was involved in.What was next was very weird. The guy started to pronuced on my
doorstep I left the organization and will be punished by Jehovah. I
don't mean quietly either. All my time in this work I never had one
pronuce me dammed on my doorstep.It took me aback for a second and told him as he was leaving that
only Jesus can save him. They were so freak out the walked right
across my lawn and my neighbor's lawn.I wonder what spoofed him? I think his conscience must have gotten
the better of him because one I spoke aobut the molestation issues he
wents nuts and his wife took off like a rocket. I guess the Soceity
is trying to prepare these guys and just did not expect it before
Dateline airs I guess. -
Maybe we can organize a candlelight vigil for thos
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: fri may 17, 2002 1:52 am.
subject: a suggustion for a national/international candlelight vigil.
It may be hard but not impossible. If there is enough time planned, it could be possible.
Would anyone be brave enough to take the challenge?
Sad enough I have to work May 28 that night. I hope my hubby does not screw up the tape or else I may have to get somelse to send me the tape.
<A HREF= </A>
Maybe we can organize a candlelight vigil for thos
by nowaytess infrom: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: fri may 17, 2002 1:52 am.
subject: a suggustion for a national/international candlelight vigil.
I agre with you Brigette.
In the past I have been on one demostration at the Brooklyn headquarters. It just seems to only focus on a small part and changes very little. The Bethlites are scared to do anything.
I was never married to a JWS but was sexually assalted by one. Even in Poland, they covered up for the perp.
My concern is for the little children, and as a former abused spouse (non-JW) I agree that women are not puching bags. Sad Wt make them more like a victim, especially if the husband and wife are JWS.
All right folks, anybody want to get together an ddo this. I think a good time is next years Memorial. Why? BEcause how many JWS will miss the Memorial?
How else to remeber the Wt vicitms at a Night where we are suppose to remember why Jesus dies for us. Not Silent lambs are batter spouse die in teh name of the Watchtower.
<A HREF= </A>