It is just hard to imagine how anyone can be so disconnected that they are unable to relate sympathetically to a little baby gasping for air as his throat is cut and his still thinking head is tossed into a garbage can. This is uncomfortable reality. That little headless body could be any one of us...... experiencing the ultimate disfellowshipping at the hands of those that are supposed to care. Just google partial bith abortion if you are tough enough to deal with reality.
Those that escape partial birth abortion, may get injected with solution that burns them in their mothers belly, or worse.
Unborn babies aren't people? Guess you wont have a problem with baby soup. - Warning Shocking Images.
Then there are the incredibly few that survive abortion:
"Melissa explained a saline-solution abortion involves the injection of a caustic saline solution into the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. "It scalds the child from the outside, peeling the layers of skin until the solution reaches the organs." There is also a chemical in the solution that forces the expulsion of the baby.
She described that babies subjected to this type of abortion usually have a "candy apple" reddish appearance from the burning of the skin. But not Melissa.
Once she was delivered, the medical team placed the aborted baby on a table. Left for dead, Melissa was ignored while attention was given to her biological mother.
"It was when I was grunting, actually gasping for air, that a nurse noticed I wasn't dead. It was this team that sustained my life."
"Children like me are born every day," she said, noting many are not as fortunate as further measures like submersion in buckets of water or placement in freezers are in place to ensure the termination of life. "