JoinedTopics Started by wordfamine.com
Paul's Out-Of-Body Experience - How did we Miss This?
by wordfamine.com inthe watchtower teaches that there is no such thing as a spirit or soul leaving the body that can consciously experience anything in heaven unless you are annointed and you die.
and the body certainly couldn't go in their view.
however the apostle paul plainly taught otherwise.
A Moment Of Truth For 'Illuminati' Types!
by metatron insometimes i post here because i don't know where else i should post, as to odd or unusual ideas.
there seem to be quite a lot of people on the internet who zealously believe that the world is covertly ruled by some conspiracy or masonic lodge or bilderberg group or intelligent reptiloid aliens who dress up as the british royal family ( i imagine an alien complaining, 'why do i have to be queen elizabeth?').
in other words, a bunch of powerful people who control everything.. well, it seems to me that we are approaching a moment in which we will see just how much control any such group really has.
41,000 year old human jaw bone found
by Mickey mouse inbut but but....humans have only been around for 6000 years.
Inactive, yet shunned!
by TimothyT inmy dad (49) (who was an elder for 10 year and hasnt been to the meetings now since april when i stopped going) sent a message to a younger unbaptised brother (19) in my congregation to see if they would like to get together and jam on their guitars.
the younger brother responded that he would like to but since my dad hasnt been to the meetings in a long time he feels its innapropriate.. needless to say my dad was a little pi**ed but at the same time he cant understand how he is also now being shunned despite the fact that he isnt even disfellowshipped.
why do these people show such conditional love when jesus taught the absolute opposite?.
Sad situation unfolding on FB
by Mickey mouse inthere are reports on one of the facebook ex jw groups that a 19 year old girl who disassociated herself last week was physically attacked by her family and so she tried to commit sucide by shooting herself.
she's in a critical state in hospital.
i don't know all the details but it would appear that she had endured sexual abuse.. please keep her in your thoughts.. .
Giving public talk, need some help!
by Silent_Scream ina very close friend of mine is giving a public talk around may about the bible.
he asked me to help him out (of course not knowing where i stand with everything).
a perfect opportunity!
Comments from a real JW about the killing of apostates watchtower. You will be shocked..
by Hairyhegoat inthis is a very good find from another jw only web site i have access to... hey i just found this on a link of my mom's that she is "friends" with, yes, still a jw...anyway, i had to copy/paste it so you could all see, thought it was a bit hilarious to see how they blatantly speak of keeping info from "outsiders.
" i did not copy the name of the person since that is not my point and i am not that disrespectful, but i did copy their comment...they were discussing the wt about killing all apostates and someone that was studying asked a question as to whether they all thought that was right or not, so here it is..............."james... although its a great article and very encouraging, as apostates do deserve to be murdered, it may not be such a good idea to reveal it our friend zeek at this moment.
he may find it a tad over the top.
Without faith it is impossible to please Him . . . Hebrews 11:6
by wordfamine.com inwithout faith it is impossible to please him .
hebrews 11:6. .
jw's immediately interpret this scripture to mean faith in the watchtower.