JoinedTopics Started by BroMac
What Does Romans 8:14-17 Mean To A JW? Who is the "All"?
by BroMac infrom new world translation:.
14: "for all who are lead by god's spirit, these are god's sons.. 15: for you did not recieve a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you recieved a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: "abba, father!".
16: the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are god's children.. 17: if then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of god, but joint heirs with christ, provided we suffer together that we may also be glorified together.".
That Old Favourite: "What Would Jesus Do?"
by BroMac inwe've all heard it, usually in response to something somebody thinks we shouldn't be doing.
"would jesus do it?
probably not - would he condemn me if i were to do it?
Debate: Science vs God: Richard Dawkins takes on Archbishop of Canterbury
by BroMac in
friday 24 february 2012. yesterday richard dawkins went head-to-head with rowan williams in a televised debate about evolution.
so who won?
Why Did Ray Franz Still Go On Field Service?
by BroMac inin his book he says he still went out on field service.. why would he do that?
i'm finding it so hard to go out, i only take my bible.. .
Guess Who's Got The Part On Nov WT&Awake Tonight?
by BroMac ini've known about it since the schedule went up on the notice board, and i started thinking how i could get out of it.
well time rolls on and before you know it, its tonight!
sigh .
Would Cornelius Have Any Privileges Today?
by BroMac incornelius recieved the holy spirit before he was baptised.
thus showing he had jah & jesus approval.
he also was visited by an angel to tell him so:.
What Is Happening To KH Trustees In UK? Tranfering 'Deeds' To IBSA
by BroMac inhad a phone call with an elder friend this week.. and he mentions that they passed a resolution at their meeting this week which involves changing the legal 'ownership' of the 'deeds' of the kh and transfering it to wts/ibsa in the uk.. this 'new arrangement' comes direct from wt hq apparently.
he goes on to say how it passed the approval of the congregation and then laughingly said how1 brother was not in favour of the resolution.. he said: "you always get one don't you?
this was all news to me, as far as i know we have not had this happen here.. what do you guys think?.
Nov Public WT On Sex.. Why? There Will Be Alot Of Unplaced On The Counter
by BroMac inwhy print this rubbish?
i dont get it.. why put 2 kids walking near bethel on the cover.
they could be related, you wouldn't know if they wanted to take each others clothes off from that picture.
Discussion With Friends After The CA... Generation Demo & Blood
by BroMac inwell the 'standout' for me was the generation demo.
you cant have a red blood cell treatment, but you could have a haemoglobin treatment, haemoglobin is a conscience matter.
red blood cells treatment.
When Did You Stop Saying Amen
by BroMac infor prayers from the platform.. i've "said my own" for a few years now if i find i cant agree with what the brother is praying about.
i'm constantly amazed by the same old repetitive ramblings and just nonsense that some brothers feel is an acceptable way to pray for a congregation.. once i've finished saying my own i'll listen again to what they are going on about, and round and round they go.
the worse ones are those who can hardly speak english and i cant understand a word thats said apart from the "...feffull slive... bless bruders sis not here..." blah blah.. and everyone has gone through the public talk prayer.