XYZ, you are cracking me up today!!! (Check out my response to your post on the Flashlight Holder thread) Didn't you know kids who in real life were these characters?My ex hus. WAS Eddie Haskel. He placed 12 mags EVERY Sat on his mag route from the time he was a kid because he layed it on thick with the HH's. His brother was like Wally, a handsome, earnest kid who when he was about 13 got forced to take a house with a very nerdy/creepy girl his age. She took the door and said, "My name is _ _ _ and I would like to introduce you to my FUTURE HUSBAND. He never heard the end of that one!
Posts by 3rdgen
Did your parents HATE the TV show Father Knows Best?
by 3rdgen inboy, mine did.
leave it to beaver, donna reid, ossie and harriet made them squirm.
any show that depicted kind fathers, happy nurturing mothers, and normal kids getting to do normal kid things made them cranky and me sad.
New Position - Flashlight holder - Are you qualified?
by Quarterback injust got the word that we have a third theocratic ministry school.
this will be in a part of the kh that has poor lighting.
i know that many will need the assistance of additional lighting.
XYZ : I had completely forgotten about the minestry S bellringers! I got the bell nearly every talk I gave. LOL The story about the sister ringing the bell on the windbag praying is HYSTERICAL. ha ha ha Sorry you took the heat for it but be honest: How many times have all of us wanted to do the same thing???? I always thought it was strange that such young boys received "privledges" who were barely out of short pants. (Thus, my listed qualification for flashlight holder to be "pottie trained")
Will the WT stats take a dive in 2014?
by Aussie Oz inwhile looking through stas charts on jwfacts i notice two charts of publishers through the years.. on them, it is very clear that growth fell off the chart after 1975 and dropped dramaticaly again at 2000.. we know why for 75 and remember that many understood the big a to come by 2000.. will 2014 mark a subconscious and hopefully conscious psychological reaction from jws and 'interested' ones i wonder?.
To TruthB Known. Your point is valid about people unwilling/unable to emotionally and financially deal with leaving the org Later in life. Along with that imagine an older person/couple who is either childless or whose children are still in. Who will care for them if they leave? Occasionally, it happens though. I am a few weeks shy of 60, born in,3rd generation and I just left last month!!!!! Thanks in part to this site. :)
"We Bring Them In The Front Door, Only To Have The Angels Throw Them Out The Back Door!A"
by AvocadoJake inwhat do you make of this statement made by the elderette in her comment this week?
she is refering to the weak ones in the halls.
this is not an uncommon statement made by the pious ones..
Oz :)
"We Bring Them In The Front Door, Only To Have The Angels Throw Them Out The Back Door!A"
by AvocadoJake inwhat do you make of this statement made by the elderette in her comment this week?
she is refering to the weak ones in the halls.
this is not an uncommon statement made by the pious ones..
Jw's (myself included when I was in) can't handle the truth which is: the difficiency lies with the org. not with the ones who leave.
Multiple Abuse ...
by talesin ini wonder how many posters here are not only in recovery from spiritual abuse (jws) , but other traumas,, such as sexual and physical abuse,,, or rape as a young person (ie, child or teen).. .
how many of us are recovering from double - or triple - trauma ... ?.
anyone want to share?.
I can't type fast enough to hug all of you (I only know how to hunt and peck) in'69 the end was comming in a few months. Why did I need to learn to type right? Anyway, (((((group hug)))))))) I can't even deal with my feelings right now. I'd like to get ALL the abusive parents AND the mates who didn't intervene in behalf of their own children and put them in a room with each other and duke it out.
Why do we have to 'prove' anything to God. (This point made at assembly today)
by PaintedToeNail inthe point was made at the assembly today, that we have to 'prove' our love for jehovah to him.
as i sat there, bored, this thought struck me as odd.
since jehovah is supposed to be able to read 'hearts', why do we as humans, have to prove anything to him, since he already knows us down to our kidneys and would know if we loved him or not.
Mr Monroe, Funny, I was just saying the same things to my husband.
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
MochaL Where are my manners? So very glad things worked out well for you. You earned it!
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
Mocha Latte: I remarried too. He was an elder at the time who had a backgroud in the "truth" similar to mine. We had one unusual and disturbing situation after another happen in our lives that forced us to take a closer look at the WTS. We are in the process of a "fade". Hubby is Balamsass. He picked the name for several reasons, one being I sometimes call him the last half. LOL
New Position - Flashlight holder - Are you qualified?
by Quarterback injust got the word that we have a third theocratic ministry school.
this will be in a part of the kh that has poor lighting.
i know that many will need the assistance of additional lighting.
If anyone is "reaching out" for the position of Flishlight Holder he is desirious of a fine work. I know of a few Bros who would otherwise qualify except for the pesky #3 farting restriction. Could there possibly be the "we had beans for dinner" defense? I'll respectfully await the decision made by the body.