Clarity-- more candidates for your list posting in Active Topics:
Highroad, pronomono and thoughtless!
Welcome newbies! Keep 'em coming!
Be afraid WT, be very afraid!
# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Clarity-- more candidates for your list posting in Active Topics:
Highroad, pronomono and thoughtless!
Welcome newbies! Keep 'em coming!
Be afraid WT, be very afraid!
i have been to my old kh for 2 funerals since i left 20 yrs ago but i don't think they count.
so i am thinking of visiting a different hall on a sunday for the public talk and wt study.
i want to go just to remind myself how simple minded it is and to hopefully help me appreciate how wonderful and free my life now is.
Don't go this Sunday. Saturday, October 5 is the Annual Meeting. They are doing the WT then. You can't get in without a ticket either. Trust me it's not even the same religion anymore-- so much "new light". Still mind numbingly boring though.
my gf has the part "why are there so many religions".... i need to place some ttatt seeds very subtly... i don't care if they go right above most jw's heads... .
any ideas?.
An active, 75-year-old raised-in JW emailed me a copy of her rendition of this material. She asked me to "critique" her talk. I was surprised, because she knows I haven't gone to the meetings in over two years, and she hasn't asked in a while. (I guess I was convincing enough with my subtle questions during our last lunch together.) She put all the emphasis on "studying the Bible Teach book to compare doctrines". I suggested she change the wording to "examine Bible teachings from the pages of your very own copy of the Bible in order to learn "the Truth" about what it teaches."
She was so appreciative! She didn't get it.
it's difficult to imagine how this video could be more disingenuous and hypocritical.
I still have smoke coming out of my ears! Grrr! My daugher cried on the half hour drive home from every freakin' meeting throughout her teen years, because of the cliques. I didn't have a friendship that meant anything to me until I was in my mid-forties (I am having lunch with her today.) To survive in dubland, you have to put up with the users and abusers and stay far away from the gossips. This video does not represent what goes on in any KH I have every attended.
it's difficult to imagine how this video could be more disingenuous and hypocritical.
Couldn't watch the whole thing-- made me want to vomit!
One good friend is better than lots of fake friends = Get used to the fact that you are not going to have lots of good dub friends. One will have to suffice.
Since when are dubs allowed to develop their talents or have hobbies. Seriously?
Step out of your comfort zone to find new friends = The likelyhood of finding a dub friend near your own age who you actually like and can have fun with are slim to none. Get used to it.
i am very happy that my dear old mom is finally seeing the truth about the "truth".
what hit her like a ton of bricks is the latest wt.
study article that exalts the governing body and pretty much negates everything the bible students and russell, the founder of the watchtower, ever said was truth!.
Minumus and WhatHapped thanks for giving me hope for my 86 year old in-laws. FIL will still speak to my hubby for about 5 minutes on the phone tops. At least he doesn't hand up-- yet.
i ask for the forgiveness of all the brothers and sisters who heard me lie and lie and lie about how my husband lost all his weight!
please make room in your heart to forgive me, it's rare i will open up myself to the scrutiny of jehovah's witnesses net message board, i try not to reveal too many things about my life.
i come from a fleshly family that is screwed up, we learned from youth how to use theocratic warfare even with other jehovah's witnesses asking innocent questions.
Chubby Hubby perfect, Aunt Connie. Your posts are a scream!
hi, my wife became a jw about 25 years ago and at the time while it all sounded crazy to me but i could see not wrong and have no problem with people having a religion , it started to become apparent that her choice of religion was almost cult like with all the controls in place.
we no longer have a social life together as she will only be with clan members not wordly people and i have stopped going round to her friends houses for get togethers becouse i am sick to death of being questioned and mocked about my beliefs,hearing other religion being called so harsh,wordly people being talked about as if scum and all the other haughty talk.
i am not allowed any material in the house that might be apostate,satanic?
Manda63, Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear another marriage is under tremendous strain because of the WT. I was in your wive's shoes-- raised in from age 9. My husband was a raised in from age 5. He faded 30 years before I walked away. I am not saying this to discourage you, just to let you know that there is always hope. I was an all-in JW for 42 years of my life. My husband and I had a similar agreement. I kept my "publications" to myself, and he kept his "spiritistic", spooky stuff for a JW at his office.
As everyone has said, continue loving your wife. No matter how many times the elders gave me the "absolute spiritual endangerment" get out of jail free card, it always came down to loving my husband and sticking with him-- not always an easy thing for either of us, but we made it work.
I, too, had a very difficult time witnessing to wives at the door. I mentioned it to an elder, saying I didn't want to put anyone through the same pain I had living in a "divided household." His answer, "At least she would have Jehovah.", as he walked away. I didn't buy the "overlapping generation" crap of 2010, but I was still stuck in the cult. It took another year. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I could't stant to hear them say my kids were going to die one more time. I walked out of that meeting in mid-May confused, somehow knowing I wasn't going to be a JW anymore. Two weeks later another glimmer of hope happened on a sailboat charter vacation, away from meetings, Bible study, service, etc., I had the thought, "I wonder what my life would be like if I could just live in a tee shirt and shorts, no shoes, no dresses, no meetings, no books, no nothing-- just the wind in my face?" It happened so fast, but I remember it 'til this day. I didn't go to another meeting until the District Convention July 1-3. I was an outsider looking in. It felt like the Stepford wifes. I was done.
Get your wife away from the meetings as much as possible. Do fun things together. Try new things. Tell her you love her, and show her. Don't give up. Use Steven Hasaan's methods. They can work over time. You have a great advantage in having this forum and others. My hubby didn't have the Internet. Maybe if he had, I would have gotten out sooner. It doesn't matter now, because our nuclear family is out and free. My 86 year old in-laws are still in, but have no idea I left. It's easy to fog them as they live 500 miles away They shun my husband and my kids. Our Kids are grown, so there is really little need to visit.
I wish you all the best in keeping your marriage happy and stron and getting your wife out of this very dangerous, mind control cult.
two elders in my congregation signed mine bc hubby couldn't bear the repercussions of either 1- saving my life by allowing the blood transfusion, which would probably lead to him being df'd, and 2- me dying bc he did not allow the blood transfusion and having my parents call him a murderer.. isn't that so nice?
when i most wanted him to represent me, he didn't have the guts, even hypothetically.... so, who signed your blood card?.
Two elders signed my “Non-Blood Medical Management” card. Neither would agree to call my long-faded hubby in case of an emergency. That didn’t sit right with me, so I added “Please call my husband @ phone number.)
I then wrote to the Legal Department in Brooklyn, explaining that I wanted to add a statement that my Health Care Agents were to ONLYmake decisions regarding the use of blood. My hubby would make any and all other health-care decisions. They didn’t answer the letter for a year, so I sent a copy of the original letter, saying I still needed an answer. A brother from the legal department at Bethel called me at home one afternoon. Guess they wanted to see if I was a nut job, an “apostate” or maybe they just didn’t want to put anything it writing. He said it was fine, by that time I had already added the clause.
When I walked away, I tore up every copy of my card I could get my hands on, and we went to a lawyer and re-drafted all our legal documents, stating that the new documents superseded any and all previously executed documents, just in case some rouge elder decided to pull out a copy of my previously signed death wish.
i had an interesting discussion with a jw family member recently and he brought up his plans for retirement.
according to his age bracket, this will not be for another 20 years or so.
he plans to buy land, build a house, move the parents nearby.
I have heard of so many older ones, including a retiring C.O. and his wife, that have to move in with their children. Retiring dubs moving into their kid's basement or an in-law apartment. My FIL, now in his mid-eighties, was the congregation secretary, P.O., conducted the Book Study and led field service from his home for decades and was on the RBC. He is saddened by the loss of "privileges" as he has aged, but remains "loyal to Jehovah".
All the while though, he went about getting a college degree to teach, built a huge home for himself and my MIL and built over 30 rental properties. He has told my husband clearly that they are just fine. "Everything is taken care of." They don't want or need any help from us. They told my husband that he is written out of the will, as he has "left Jehovah". The WBT$ takes all. They have stated that they "don't believe in taking care of adult children." Case closed.
This man did everything he was required to do and still prepared for retirement. At least they won't be a burden on us. I have been my mom's primary caregiver for over 15 years, and it's a tough road.