First thing , not everybody can understand the Bible and if you have doubts about the verses of the Bible simply admit in your heart you don't understand but there might be some people already in the world who understand them. The Bible is the reflection of the infinite mind of God and it is difficult to understand and it may take years or even centuries to understand some of its verses.
The fact there is so much division or confusion on the matter of existence of hell- whether it is or not - should already send shock waves through our bodies and cause us to pause and think how complicated the Bible can be.This is not an ordinary book and it should be so as it originated with the Creator of the endless universe we live in .
The book of Genesis 1 should not be understood the way most people do ! They make a horrible mistake not knowing it is a description of the vision God Yahweh gave to Moses in 7 days from 40 days Moses spent on the Mount Sinai.
The days given in Genesis 1 are the days from Moses' time when he lived and stayed on the Mount Sinai ! God Yahweh did not create the universe in literal 6 days ! The vision of creation lasted 6 days !
So ,what we see here is a total reversal of human understanding on the creation ! For centuries mankind was in denial ! People had no slightest idea that Genesis 1 is a description of what Moses saw in 6 days .
The literal creation based on my calculations using the Bible is over 15 billion years ! The scientists can tell you almost the same !
6 days x 7000 years as one day with God x 360 days in a prophetic year x 1000 years for each prophetic year = over 15 billion years !
God Yahweh continues His creation of the universe as new stars are being created so He cannot rest ! The rest given in Genesis 2.2 cannot be then a literal rest you think of ! It was symbolic and it was shown only in a vision ( like in a movie ) to Moses for a purpose.God Yahweh never rested and rests and will never rest as He upholds the whole universe every second and continues His creation of the universe.It is an on-going eternal process with no end !
Who are you to criticize the Bible ?! You may not have understood the Bible completely what does it say !