Hey, please, hang in there. It gets better.
Try to find another therapist. Some are way better than others.
i' so tired of this.
sometime, i'd just like to say goodbye cruel world but, it would be too easy to do this.
when i was in the borg, they were telling me that when someone go out of the org, he have a lot of problems and that's exactly what happen to me.
Hey, please, hang in there. It gets better.
Try to find another therapist. Some are way better than others.
hi guys,.
i'd like to pose a question to the board, but first a bit of background about myself:.
i come from southern england.
Examine the Bible first - I certainly feel that there is no reason to accept it as being from God. Try the book "Who Wrote the Bible" as a starting point.
i am from barcelona, spain and i recently bought a computer and got on the internet.
i was searching for jehovah's witnesses as i am one of them.
i found this site.
Spiderman, if you really want to have intelligent discussion, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and go to
and read just about everything, especially Alan's material. Will save much time.
i was just wondering if you have a movie or some movies that have given you the creeps.
did you see it as a jw or after?
do you watch " demonized " movies now?
...some ancient wisdom this way comes?
pulling over from another thread.... i'm curious how many have dabbled in witchcraft/spiritism after leaving the jws.
or, perhaps, before joining.. i'm curious what experiences have been had.
I tend to agree that synchronicity and divination are similar phenomena, and differ somehow from seeing spirits in the manner that Sirona mentions. As far as how the deck is "prepared", presumably the shuffling and cutting allow for selective arrangement and selection. But remember, I also don't rule out something beyond unconscious influence. If you are getting interested in this, you should also be reading skeptic sites (put Skeptic's Dictionary into google for a starting point) for a measure of balance.
i started on some research to expose the cult that xenu is trying to sneak on to this board "raelians" and i think i might have come across something that will be of interest to all of you.
i will address the information that exposes xenu's cult the raelians in another thread but at this time i wanted to bring this very interesting information on this thread to see if anyone has heard of this.
the group is called the international federation of religious and philosophical minorities (known by its french acronym, firephim) and is devoted to defending the cause of nrms.
Dave, what is the provenance of these clippings? Is there a legitimate news organization behind it, or is it just words on a web page? I have reservations. While I no longer have any respect for the borg, joining such a group does not seem like their style. From what I know of the Bahai, I find mention of their name fishy as well.
And a word of caution, though perhaps I am being presumptuous: the internet is fertile ground for conspiracy theory, and much devotion to it is wearisome to the flesh, to coin a phrase. there is a continuum of theory, ranging from the obvious to the insanely paranoid, and it can be hard to tell where one fades into the other.
well i finally ordered crisis of conscience.
even though i've been da'd since 1989 the truth is that i always considered it to still be the truth up until a couple of years ago when i started researching more through sites like this.
i never got around to getting my hands on that book though, and now can't wait until it arrives.
What helped me with the guilt was doing some of the 'forbidden' stuff. Turns out I like a cigar now and then, and catching up on all the great R rated movies of the last years has been pure joy.
i am looking for more scriptures that can prove to a jehovah witness that god is jesus, and jesus is god.i found only one verse so far in 1jo:5:20: and we know that the son of god is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son jesus christ.
this is the true god, and eternal life.. if you know more scriptures that say directly that god is jesus please tell me the verses the jhw will see plainly that jesus is no way an angel, and he is jehovah god almighty.. my friend said if i can prove by the bible only that jesus is god he will leave the jhw society, and he will know that they are teaching lies and they would be to him a dogma religious sect.
my friend gave me a booklet called should you believe in the trinity?, and is jesus christ the almighty god.
It's just og. No capitalization necessary. You don't have to worry about Xenu. The little twerp has promised to ignore me several times.
when you next have a visit from a dub, what will you say?.
perhaps you should have some quickfire questions ready to ask them.
1. how come jesus kicked satan out of heaven in october 1914, at the end of the gentile times, when satan had started ww1 to distract attention from the kingdom's establishment around july 1914 ?.
My question: While claiming to speak in God's name and to be his sole channel, the Watchtower Society has often made dogmatic predictions about the future, without once being right. What definition of false prophecy does this not fit?
when did you leave?.
what prompted you to doubt/leave the organization?.
for those who are still active, do you plan on leaving soon?
Leander: Man, you are where I was a year and a half ago. I knew that not only had I been a chump for listening to the WS, but also realized that the Bible is just a book, and certainly doesn't come from God, unless He has Alzheimers. Some thoughts:
Leave quick, or fade away? - I met with the elders a few times, exchanged letters with the society, got a braindead response, and stopped going to meetings. I was fairly prominent, and eager to live free, so eventually a committee was formed accusing me of apostasy. I met with them once and turned in a DA letter and that was it. I don't believe in fading away, mainly because you aren't going to save yourself much pain, you're just going to spread it out. By DAing, there's a chance you can do some good, get some people thinking. If you get DFed, the assumption will be that you committed immorality. A clean break is good, good for you and potentially good for others.
Re: the Bible - If you still feel conflicted about this, try reading "Who Wrote the Bible?" a clear explanation of the documentary hypothesis. Settled any doubts of mine that it's just an old book, with some good parts and some foolish parts - and some evil, bigoted parts.
Re: wife - Well, we're still married, but it's not perfect. But it never would have been, as soon as I became an unbeliever. Look at it this way: maybe you can save her by your example. In a weird way, a lot of the reasoning that gets applied to you when you're becoming a witness applies even more now. If you take a stand, you might help her. Are there kids involved? If so, you have even more reason to stand firm.
Re: friends - I built up my relationships at work, discovering that I worked with some really cool people. I did this first, and it helped a lot. I have also met with a therapist about a dozen times, and that has been great. It's worth doing, imo. I had a lot of depression and bitterness to work thru - I guess I still am. I also looked up some friends that I had dropped when converting - they've been great.
Good luck. The only way out is thru, and it does hurt at first.