Lunatic Faith, I find it rather odd when a CO moves into a Hall, they bring their Bizarro reality and try to implement it, at the expense of men like your dad. Men like your dad, who were in touch with the congregation and with reality. It is funny trying to watch COs and former DOs try to assimilate into civilian life, from a military deployment that has come to an end. The only thing better is to have five former COs in one Kingdom Hall. ExCOs shun each other, angry at the grasping of power, who will carry the torch? Power elders trying to combate the men from the land of Oz, only to be removed, or ordered to stand down. Have you ever seen ExCOs shun each other, where is the love this Organization is known for? If ExCOs feelings get hurt so easy, how in the Hell are elders or joe and jane publisher suppose to interact. What a strange version of religion I am stuck in right now.
JoinedPosts by AvocadoJake
WT Society Appoints Elders/MS Based on " Functions " Performed - not ....
by flipper in........... holy spirit or any " fruitages of the spirit " like love, kindness, mildness, meekness , etc.
shown by men considered for elder or ms positions.
qualities or true positive character traits are not that important to the wt society in appointments of these men in jw congregations.. no, the real " qualifications " that a jw man needs to exhibit is being able to report 10 hours a month in knocking on people's doors offering wt and awake magazines !
Bart Ehrman: "Biblical Scholarship and the Right to Know"
by leavingwt inthis entire article by dr. ehrman is worth a read.
here are a few selections from it.
im not opposed to religion and i dont think that all religion is oppressivefar from it.
I wonder why Bart never credits John Marcos Allegro's works and his provacative book written around 1960... Bart owes men like Allegro, men who wrote about the Essenes, John The Baptist, Magic Mushrooms, Gnostics and other wild Jesus and Mary Magdalene stories. Poor John Marcos Allegro, being on the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible team, only to die before the advent of the Divinici Code and Bart's Misqouting Jesus and Gnostic Gospels.
Why Women Are Treated Second Class In This Organization?
by AvocadoJake inthe best bible scholars have been women in my realm of this religious world.
the women study their husbands watchtowers, prepare the parts, write their talks, put their ties on, get the shave cream out of their ears.
it must be hard and you must have the patiences of job, to be able to listen to, the many arrogant men and how you will (if you are a female annointed.
Lunatic Faith and my other internet sisters, you might enjoy this PBS piece about Women in the first Century.
The Reach Out WT Article, I don't know whether to scream or to laugh
by Quarterback ini held off long enough in reading the wt article for the study in january.
there is was, two articles about reaching out for the office of elder.. after finishing the article my reaction to it was anger.
they made it seem that there is something wrong with you if you don't reach out in this way.. our congregation has more deleted elders than active elders.
The same attitude the b-world has "What have you done for me this Month." The C.A. we had a few months ago went like this, the CO says "How many of you want to become an elder?" I am not lying, four or five men held their hands up, out of two thousand plus (I think it was 2600.) in there. So what is that telling you about the state of affairs, they are unable to sale their goods or people are sick of broken promises? The word used to describe Fred Frantz "Cloister" can be applied to all who don't have to work full-time or have families or have time to mentally play with prophecy all day. The COs, DOs and those above, have no clue what a real life is, and hand out an illusion of a good life (elder). Elders get burned out, get tired of the useless rules and regulations, tired of dealing their peers, who can behave like dingos and vultures.
Shunning is so stupid
by AwSnap ini cannot seem to shake the visual image i have from about 5 days ago.
i went over to my mom's house, and apparently she didn't mention it to my younger sister (who lives in their downstairs apartment).
she and her baby were visiting with my mom, and when she saw me walking up the side walk, she grabbed her toddler up in her arms and i saw her hauling ass down the stairs....the toddler didn't understand why she was just snatched up and hauled away and started screaming.
Shunning is not always practiced with total obedience to the Governing Body in the matter they want it to be. Super Righteous Elder, had a daughter and she got pregnant after a lesbian affair (Don't ask, her husband tried to prove his was more than this woman's, woman.) and disfellowshiped, she and her husband where invited to live with this elder in good standing. This same elder was notorious for telling everyone it was wrong "To say anything to evil ones who left Jehovah. This would apply to young family and grandkids as well, it just did not apply to Super Righteous." Super Righteous would hunt down parents who spoke with disfellowshiped ones and chastise them. Super Righteous is still in good standings and has not changed his style or mindset! There was a saying about this Kingdom Hall, "What Happen's in Happy Congregation, Stay's In Happy Congregation." These guys were great a damage control of their own (Elders and some elite MS), but when it came to the average joe publisher, he was screwed over!
What is the stupidest comment you ever heard at a meeting?
by 3rdgen ina very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
"Jehovah Witnesses are the most happy people in the World! They have the true love Jesus had, and are one big happy family."
How is that for puke?
Why are so many JWs and exJWs unaware of the New World Order and the World Goverment?
by Infowarrior inwhy are so many jehovahs witnesses and escpecially ex-jws so unaware and ignorant of the new world order and the world goverment?
and is the watchtower a part of the new world order and the world goverment under the united nations and the vatican?
my rrsearch says this is the case.
Are you into Alex Jones, David Icky and other late night radio talk show guys? We need more evidence before we can decide if there is a Bohemian Grove (the place in California where Baal worship is practiced by politicans.) and secret base under Mount Shasta. Who is the Nephlim preaching man, who thinks the US in Afghanistan to retrieve the twenty foot Nephilims, oh yeah its LA Marzulli and Steve Quayle.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-2011 WT Study (RUN RACE)
by blondie inthat the runners in a race all run, but only.
in the christian race, all who finish win that.
you do to finish and thus win that race?.
Blondie I was praying you would post your comments, I will slowly enjoy reading this before bedtime tonight. I loved last weeks comments, If only we could speak with freedom, the truth at meeting. Your hard work is always appreciated, and I love it! Peace my Sister!
Shunning is so stupid
by AwSnap ini cannot seem to shake the visual image i have from about 5 days ago.
i went over to my mom's house, and apparently she didn't mention it to my younger sister (who lives in their downstairs apartment).
she and her baby were visiting with my mom, and when she saw me walking up the side walk, she grabbed her toddler up in her arms and i saw her hauling ass down the stairs....the toddler didn't understand why she was just snatched up and hauled away and started screaming.
Shunning is taking place all over the place, men shun, mark, avoid those who don't fit obey or live up to their insane expectations. Their mantra is "What have you done for me today?" "Past Service and Loyatly does not matter!"
by AvocadoJake inthere is a sister in our hall who has made it clear why her "jehovah" does not like weak ones.
her husband the po, will refuse to work with those who are not getting ten hours or more a month.
the weak ones "are spiritually dangerous and will bring you down.
"Hi Brother Dazed, how you been, it's a long time since you have been to the Hall! I thought you were dead, no seriously." I reply "I have been good, how about you?" Brother Dazed with Holliness "I was out serving our Lord Jesus, by sharing the gospel and going door to door, how was your day?" I reply "I was only helping at the Food Bank and Homeless shelter, there are many suffering people here." He says "Why are you doing those works, there is not time to help the poor, Jesus focused on preaching only!" He walks away and soon I am called before a righteous group of men for pursuing worldly things. Go Figure! This sister who made the outlandish comment has a bumpersticker, can you guess what it says? this is the gist of it "Luv2Pioneer!" Just in case her comments and snideness and righteousness passed above your lowly heads, you can read how holy she is, by looking at her car! I am loving it!