When i first found this place i was very afraid. But i began reading the stories and noticed so many were just like me. i actually arrived here through SilentLambs. I began posting fairly quicly. I think one of my first posts was about "are u still bothered by demons?" i got a big response and the general tone to the thread was many seemed to be worried about my mental health. now i found that odd, as one of the huge teachings in JW are about demons. So i was a little taken back to viewed as nuts for beleiving in them. But i got over it, and received some support via e-mail from others who had similar experiences. I intensly dislike the foul bad mouthing of people. But i have been on discussion boards before, and this one is pretty tame all things considered.
My biggest worry is who is watching these boards. I know some jw do and they do have a list of e-mail addys of known apostates. I worry about my privavy somewhat. but i also see simon does as much as he can to make this a safe place so i continue to post. I am very impressed with the skill of some posters ....myself, I can barely type myself(LOL)