Freddy was the WT chronologist and oracle.who live until around 1991, how could he?
He proved to be 'different' in many ways.
Knor the previous WT president droped dead right after the 1975 fiasco.
Same for Russel with the 1914 fiasco, he died in 1916.
Apology? what apology?
As an institution they didn't, the indivicual responsible for 'publishing' the crap didn't.
The WT institution did not even mention their names ! is that a real apology?
What more what have they done to compensate the damages?
did they provide any PRACTIAL advise at least?.no, just more of the same 'spiritual' rethoric.
Man, at least Jesus.provided some fish for the multitude that got hungry after listening to him.
20th century jw went hungry and broke after listening to the wt for so long.
To this very same day i see ex=pioneers staying alive thanks to gov and APOSTATE help, some were cong financial pilars who 'gave everthing away' to serve where....
When history is not properly teached it repeats itself.
But the web is good history teaching tool available to many. I can read see and listen to stuff, such as Freddy speech, without moving my ...
Do jw families still take their cassette recorders to D conventions?
If not, why not?