Nugget, it is good I suppose that if we do end over this, it will be just a longterm relationship rather than marriage. You're right, it is good to know where I stand now rather than later. It's just really sad to think about it. That something to petty would get in the way.
Shades, thanks for your offer of help. I'll check out that website you suggested. I have been praying. It's funny, too, because I'll start praying and end up opening to something in the Bible that I think will help on the first random page I go to. I like to have faith and think that's maybe for a reason. A few times I've really got him to thinking on the topics I bring up. He's even admitted that he feels some of the things that the JWs say may not be right. I even got him to come to church with me a few times. I thought I was making headway, but it seems like the more I make him think a little bit, the harder he sticks to it. It's like when he starts thinking, he feels guilty or something. He turns into super JW man! Rather than x-ray vision, he has selective vision?
Can you recommend any particular books apart from those Raymond Franz books? I feel so helpless particularly because I don't know what it's like. My family is free from any JW-ness. My only real experience prior to this was some poor kid who had to leave the class in third grade whenever we had a holiday party, just to sit in the office til it was over. He never liked it. I felt bad for him.