I still love rainy Saturday mornings because I was a Witness!
i know of so many people that blame everything on the fact that they were witnesses.have a lousy job?
it's because you were a witness.
angry over anything?
I still love rainy Saturday mornings because I was a Witness!
my dad is in very bad shape.
he has cns lymphoma.
he is sliding backwards rapidly.
Father, if it be your will, have mercy on Donna and her father in their hour of need. Praying in Jesus' name.
Outaservice (Who's own father also is suffering from lung cancer as a result of abestos)
quite a while ago i made a promise to myself not to allow the organization known as jehovah's witnesses to have an effect on my life any longer.
i had washed my hands of them and their disgusting propaganda machine disguised as a religion.
an old addage says the best revenge is to live life, and to live it well.
I'm surprised Wal-Mart would allow them to do this in front of their store!
Peddlers of the word of God they are.
Outaservice (for good)
when i was recently making a list of the reference books in my personal collection, i recalled that there was this book that the witnesses were afraid of.
i was in my early twenties, and this fellow in the congregation had upset all the elders because he had read this book (thirty years a watchtower slave) and he tried to tell everyone he came across that the witnesses were wrong.
there was absolutely nothing wrong with this man.
William J. Schnell
i want to thank all of you for your kind words and your support.
jan is home.
Will be praying for your complete recovery and that the old man will be able to keep up with you!
Welcome home.
People who have the time and money to 'Pioneer' but don't!
Outaservice (jus kiddin)
today is a historical day for me.
today i got up early but instead of going to the kh as i used to for years, i went to the election office to vote in the current election for the german bundestag.. for years, i had a political opinion and hoped that "my" representative wins.
this time i did my part to ensure this by voting.. it is a strange feeling: being part of this system.
You'll have a lot of 'firsts' before it's all over!
Freedom to:
1. Sleep in Sunday morning
2. Celebrate your birthday
3. To celebrate all the rest of the holidays
4. To question every relgious teaching that comes your way
5. To be able to go into a Christian Book Store without a mask
6. To own a two door automobile and still be considered spiritual
7. To talk and associate with anyone you wish to
And the list can go on and on.........congratualtions, and welcome to the human race!
Outaservice (but still countin my time!)
Hi Carl,
Just peeked at the computor and was shocked to see the news about Jan. Keep us informed, and you will both be in our thoughts and prayers. We always feel so helpless in times like this but know that we care a lot.
Your friend from Michigan
as i watched all the coverage of the 9/11 tradgedy, i felt just a fraction of the grief that the families who lost loved ones that day.
i shed tears, i lit candles , i even thought of praying.
i just hoped that god would read my heart and would help me to find faith in him again.
You're 'right on' and 'normal' in your thinking and questioning.
Don't worry about it, God loves you, and is in no hurry for you to understand everything all at once! It will come with time.
Greetings to you and Wild Turkey.
Outaservice (formally Outinservice)
all this talk of war with saddam and the power of america and europe etc,has got me thinking.i read resently that is is predicted that china will be the worlds biggest economy by 2040.with the size of china this is almost certain to happen if not sooner.how will this change the world i wonder, and it certainly will.will they be the one to call the shots against who they think is a threat to them in the future?edited by - sleepy on 8 september 2002 15:7:36.
Every major city will have a lot of 'American' restaurants??
MSG will kill us all, so we won't care who is ruling??
JW's will be 'wiped out'??
Oh heck, I don't know!