I know of several who wrote DA letters that made them 'Open Letters' to the whole congregation. They wrote all who they had addresses for, and mailed them all at the same time so that the people received them the day after a meeting. That way, no advance warning can be given to anyone to throw any mail away from you, and most will have read it before the next meeting.
At least that way, the congregation was not left to speculate on why you are leaving, and that you did not do something 'immoral' etc..
Of course, an open letter might not possibly be the best thing when taking your son into consideration, but it could be too, as your son would not feel he had to defend you and make excuses for you to the congregation. He might also hear their vindictiveness toward you and start to 'think' too!
Congratulations, by the way, and our family will be praying for God's will to be done in regards to your situation.