How is Jehovah,, besides what the WT tries to stuff through our necks by adding it to the bible, let's see another take on it,,
I read Jehovah is a God of the Annunaki that came to earth and took it captive. These has been documented in the Sumerian Tablets, some bible verses support these claims. He is part of an ET entity inthe 6th Dimension,, basically a God of war and materialism, rules by fear, greed. I am sure you have read the old testament about this Jealous God, it's a horror in print,, kill here , take there women for yourselves,, When he came he demanded to be called God and people should start worshipping him and no one else. He is a logo, not a creator of this universe. There is a higher source than that. Just like most ET's he can materialize and he was able to do that back in the old testament. He loves blood sacrifices (think of 9-11), loves the idea of choosing his annointed people,,, called divide and conquer, fear, hate, very egoistic,,,, sounds to me,,, that's the current system we live right now,, The more we think we are different the more we are easily manipulated and controlled. Here's an interesting video/article. (Remember Jesus mentioned that his father is not part of this world? Because he knows who rules it,,, even today. But religions will fall when this is revealed to us. 2012 will be the best year, so hold on it will be one hell of a rollercoster ride. We chose to be here,, to help earth and ourselves ascend to higher dimensions,,, I have seen other videos claiming the same concept,,, I'll look for it and post it later.
Alexander Romanov, a self-proclaimed member of the Illuminati, was interviewed by Benjamin Fulford in a video released on January 5, 2012.
Illuminati Disclosure – Christian, Jewish and Muslim God is ‘Satan’
Romanov revealed a 14,000 year old Illuminati secret:
“The Abrahamic God, the God of the Jews, the God of the Christians and the God of the Muslims…Allah, God and Yahweh, through their three books, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran…that God is not God at all. Instead, that God is actually Satan. That is shown in my book, “666” and mathematically proven in my book, “The 6th Dimension”. The Koran, the Bible and the Torah is nothing more than lies, ancient lies and these people who believe in these books from 2,000 years ago are deluded and brainwashed and manipulated. For the purpose of being controlled by the Old World Order. “
It is up to the viewer to use his or her own discernment over the validity of Romanov’s statement.