Well, you know they say the internet is an evil thing. What with all that thinking for yourself and other bad habits floating around.
Posts by pamkw
Ole Gog
by PopeOfEruke ini bet the brothers in brooklyn just lurrrvvvee google!
or gog of google!!.
jehovahs witness discussion forum - homepage.
For My North American Citizens: DEAD SKUNK
by RAYZORBLADE indead skunk in the middle of the road .
dead skunk in the middle of the road .
dead skunk in the middle of the road .
My sister's car was the next one in line after a skunk got squashed just a week or so ago. when I called my son, the first thing he told me about is how awful the car smells. that is one thing I do not miss leaving Kansas, skunks and tornados. Alaska is getting better and better all the time. Pam
Just randomly underline study WT or book?
by Max Divergent in.
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
We had to study when i was a kid, because a couple other families would come during the week and we would all prepare together. We all lived outside of town, and we were supposed to be upbuilding each other. It was like a second book study, except we all had to take turns reading paragraphs. It was usually at our house, since my mom had so many kids it was easier for the others to come to us. I hated it. My step-father was playing at being a jw then, and would get on us if we couldn't read the paragraphs outloud properly. this went on for a few years, until the brothers became elders and ms, and my step-father let his true abusive nature show through. After that we only studied when my mom was on a zealous kick. After I had my oldest son, I would study off and on, but I wouldn't make him sit though the whole thing. I hated raising him jw, and I was glad when I finally gave it up, and he could be normal, but he was already 11 by that time. Later he told me it was all so stupid, he never paid attention. He has always been alot smarter than me. Now I too don't care much for organized religion. but I do like some of the music, so much better than the crap we used to have to sing.
I also used to draw in the margins during the meeting, make it look like I was taking notes or something. My favorite thing was to draw lines between the words down the page and see how curvey the line could get, then I would draw it back up the page to see if I could keep them from crossing. Doesn't take much to keep me entertained. I would also write comments about the person who was answering the question, like she is so stupid, what a bitch, I hope he gets his hand shut in a car door. Stuff like that.
Always waiting for the meeting to get over so I could have Sunday fried chicken at my great-grandma's house. It was the only thing to look forward too on Sunday.
Pam -
End of a truly horrible week
by pamkw inhere it is friday, and i am soo glad.
i have been away from the computer for a while because my computer was in kansas with my sister and i am in alaska, working.
i came up here to take what i hoped was a great summer job.
I am in Ketchikan, I work the cruise ship dock for Princess tours. It is really a fun job, except for the standing. It is very beatiful up here. I have seen more wildlife here than I have ever before. I even saw a humpback whale once. Southeast Alaska is very green, because it rains alot up here. I am getting along much better being out of that house. group living is not for me. I had a great time at the movie. It wasn't bad, but I liked the first two better. I am still working on getting the boys up here. Hey Ray, good to hear from you. I was just wondering about you myself. How's your feathered friends? I had to leave mine with my mom. Lucky for them she loves birds. You know, I miss the noisy little buggers. but I am glad they are not here since the sun comes up at 4:00 am around here, and they like to start making noise as soon as it was light. I would never get any sleep. thanks everyone, for your support. Pam
Finish this sentence "The longer I'm away from JW's......"
by doodle-v in.
here's mine: .
the wackier they seem to me!!!
the more outspoken I become, and the less I tolerate being told what to do.
End of a truly horrible week
by pamkw inhere it is friday, and i am soo glad.
i have been away from the computer for a while because my computer was in kansas with my sister and i am in alaska, working.
i came up here to take what i hoped was a great summer job.
Here it is Friday, and I am soo glad. I have been away from the computer for a while because my computer was in Kansas with my sister and I am in Alaska, working. I came up here to take what I hoped was a great summer job. It is really good, but being away from my boys has been hard. And all I have been planning for is to get them here in June. And it looked so hopeful that they would come by the 13th. But now, I am not sure. I feel like I have moved for nothing, and nothing is working out. And to top it all off my health has not been so great, I had another seizure a couple weekends ago, and now my boss is constantly asking me if I am okay. and I know people mean well, but I am not an invalid, and get tired of talking about my health all the time. The only good thing that happened this week is I moved out of the employee housing and into an apartment. It belongs to a friend of mine and I am staying here while she is gone. I hope to have my own place before the month is over. Living with a bunch of other adults, most of whom are just strange, was the second hardest thing I ever did. Being away from my family was the first. And to top it all off, one of the men who was living in the house with us, committed suicide on Wednesday night. That was two nights after I had moved out, and the only thing I could think when I heard was I am so glad I wasn't still living there. I feel a little guilty about that, though I know I shouldn't. But tonight I am just bummed out and am wondering why I even started this whole adventure. I am going to met up with some of my former roommates and we are going to go see Harry Potter tonight. It is soo nice to be able to get on line and read the board. I don't feel like I have went so far away somehow. thanks for letting me vent a little.
What first gave you doubts ?
by rick1199 inwe all know the big problems with the wts, but what was the first thing that made you realise there were problems with the organisation ?
with me it was realitivly small stuff like an 8 year old getting baptised and a comment my best mates made about another of our friends asking if we should be hanging round with her as she might be bad assciation (she had just been reproved, but they had been mates 20 years).. .
how ever the first time i ever thought something was really wrong was when i was about 11 and my grand farther died, and mu mum wouldn't go to the funeral, i remeber thinking that surely it was better to say good bye properly than worry about if the service was in a church.. .
My mother's favorite daughter, the stauch, holier than thou jw, is starting to have doubts. She suffers from depression and mood swings. the elders have told her that missing meetings is a sin. And later and elder told her that not being prepared for the meetings is a sin. So the other day an elder asked her why she wasn't at the meetings she said she really didn't feel good and she wasn't prepared, and since both missing and not being prepared were sins what difference did it make if she was there are not, she was sinning either way. I guess the elder didn't have much to say to that. So my sister is starting to wonder why she is trying since she can't seem to do anything right anyway. I was soo glad when I heard that, because it means she is finally starting to think just a little for herself. And she is getting tired of the guilt. this is a tiny crack, but who knows where it might lead in a few years. I hope for her daughter's sake it leads to something good. Pam
Anyone been "marked' from the platform?
by avishai ini heard it wasn't s'posed to happen, but as late as '89 i've seen the elders give obvious references about who to mark from stage.
i can't give the exact example, but , say it's along the lines of "nobody is to go to that three story house on blank street.
" that obvious.
I was never marked, but a friend of mine was. the talk made it very plain who they were talking about. This girl was in high school and everyone knew her business. It didn't help that her dad was a total jerk and told everyone his daughter was no good. She had done nothing wrong except hold a boy's hand at school. (she later married this guy, and they are still together, it has been many years.) She stopped going to meetings because people treated her like she was df. I have been publicly reproofed and df before. Not fun. Now I am just ignored, and I like that. Though my sister did try to get me in trouble a few years ago, but the elders decided since I no longer went and most people didn't know me, that it wasn't worth the trouble. Pam
Great News, Employment Up
by Yerusalyim inthat lagging indicator of employment is silencing the "jobless recovery" critics, in the last two months (march and april) 600,000+ new jobs created, and the january and febraury figures are up.
are you still working?
newly employed?
yeah, I'm newly employed, but I had to move all the way to Alaska from Kansas to get a job. I have been up here 2 months, and my boys have still been in Kansas. Isn't the most ideal thing. But they will be up here soon, come June 13 if all works out right. I feel like I got my job, because I spent hours looking, and not because of anyone's tax cuts, etc. Pam
Oh cool! How great.! Hasn't happened to me yet, but I am sure it will in the next few years.