That is so true, my step-father was not a jw. And we were never included in any get
togethers at people's houses, or sleep overs for the kids. It was like we didn't belong. the
only time anyone paid attention to my mother is when they thought she needed a head, since
her husband was not a jw, she didn't have one. (The one sitting on her shoulders, didn't count, it
was female you know.) Then they would tell her what to do. She ususally ignored them.
Once on an assemlbly program they interviewed a sister who had an unbelieving mate. And the
brother giving the talk started to talk bad about her husband. And she said, "I love my husband, and
he is a good man, and i am not going to sit up here and say bad things about him." She was very
angry, and then interview didn't go the way the brother wanted it too. In fact, I think that part
actually ended ahead of time.
I also remember an announcement for a skating party,and they said that only jws in good standing
could come, no unbelieveing mates, it was only for members of the congregation. There were many
sisters and their children that choice not to attend that party.