PSSSST --- It's not Arizona . The battles take place in west Texas . The extras are from India. The tanks are recycled soda cans. The uniforms are all done by a top Hollywood wardrobe company "Battles -R-Us". All of the news reporters are holographic images. NOT HUMAN Yes it's true
Posts by Panda
US captures "Chemical Ali"
by Stan Conroy inwait a minute... i thought they killed him way back in march or april.
it was plastered all over the news.
he was in their deck of cards, so they obviously knew they didn't kill him.
by Elsewhere in.
i swear i'm not making this up... i noticed that the blackice firewall on my work computer was going nuts, so i took a look at it and it said this...
where's a smurf buster when ya need one??
Coming out of the closet/Blowing my cover/My story and I'm sticking to it!
by HadEnuf indear friends:.
what a pleasure it has been to browse this website over the past couple of years...first as a lurker and then as a member.
i now intend to "come out of the closet"...blow my cover and tell you my story (and i'm sticking to it!).
HadEnuf (Cathy L), I believe we did know the Snyder's, but I'm not 100% sure. My little grey cells are aging. Some of the people we knew were Carlson's, Bruschi's, Gannon's, Nehring, Davies', Martin's, Ericson's, Katke's gosh a bunch more --- when we were in EAuClaire there was only one KH. Everyone was janitor's or maids. It was depressing. We did have some friends in Brodhead and went to that DC so we could stay with them. Their name was Blakslee. Ya' know we probably did meet somewhere sometime... yeah small world.Panda
by fried ini have a question.
i am not a jw but i was in a jw chat room earlier today and had something in my profile regarding a dying angel.
a few people asked me if i understood the significance of a dead angel and before i could say no, i was kicked out of the room.. i didn't know angels could even die... in any religion.
Welcome Fried (great name), There are several never- been- jws on this forum. Some are married to jws, or otherwise related to them. The whole doctrine issue will take awhile to understand how anyone could so easily be duped into following the WTS. But here we are, some of the most (formerly) faithful jws who litterally had to break free from the WTS.
Welcome, and feel free to scope us out! Panda
Changes made have been to make the lives of the Witness people better . not
by garybuss inthe watch tower publishing corporation tends to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, reactive rather than proactive.
business climates change, doctrine and practices change to conform.
social and political climates change, doctrine and practices are changed to conform, to assure survival of the corporation.
Garybuss, It's good to be reminded that the WTS is a business. When we use words like "cult" or "evil" it's giving them some supernatural powers.Cult and evil are nebulus terms. If you say the WTS is a cult the dubs just answer --- oh no we aren't, However, if you tell the dub that the WTS is a publishing company, a corporation they cannot directly deny it.
It's also a great point that they aren't building hospitals or schools, just more publishing facilities! Good grief!
Dead Child In The Hot Car
by Valis inah shit...another one.
someone left an 8 month old in a van all day..the day care worker forgot the little boy was there and didn't discover him until he went to go pick up kids from school... child found dead in vehicle .
How can people forget a child in their care? Easy --- it wasn't the first time. The scene is: all these little kids getting out of the van (or whatever) little Billy Bob is sound asleep . If you wake him up he'll be a hellion. "we didn't know he was in there?" bull shit. When our childrens lives are at stake why do we have such underpaid undereducated people taking care of them?
As for parents who lock kids in the car I wonder, why do they lock the doors? for whose saftey? The vehicle?
The mother who went to the beauty shop could easily have stepped outside to at least check on the child (children?). Heck people do that all the time when they need to put money in the meter.
It seems that motherhood is really just birthinghood, nothing nurturing about it.. I have a friend who calls these women "breeders" That sounds about right.
Computer Nitwit
by Vivamus ini am a computer nitwit.
i have no shame in admitting it, i am a computer nitwit.
now, my computer is pretty old, and every now and then some part of it breaks down, or is in desperate need for replacement.
VIV, we must be related I am a total idiot when it comes to "uh oh, why is this happeneing?" Thanks for sharing your story. Thats the type of article the editors of PC magazine should print. Every month something about the uh oh factor.
Supplements and Vitamins
by JH inare you the type of person to take all kinds of vitamines and supplements every day just incase you might be missing something in your system.
although i know many people who do, i never did take any.
i believe that eating well is all you need.
Supplements are often necessary for those of us with chronic illness. When I began taking B complex along with my regular meds I was amazed at how much better I felt after about a week. Also I take large doses of Omega-3's which help overcome some medications side affects. Zinc for obvious reasons. and a daily multiple. The benefits for me are good, but I think everyone should research whatever they plan to ingest! Yikes our poor bodies!!!
Do you have a 'turning point' memory that started you to question?
by Steve Lowry inmine was when i was about ten years old or so back in the mid sixties.
we had a guy in our k.hall who actually lived through the 1914 experience (earl senior).
he was well into his seventies i guess even then and was one of the annointed.
For me it started when I decided to go to college and learn how to THINK. The real clincher was definitely evolution. I thought "how darn stupid can I be to fall for that reasoning . Then I had to deal w/ elders who I finally saw did not want to help me or anyone else, they wanted to parrot the WTS so they could remain faithful. What crap!!! Oh yeah, then I went to live in China, that was a real eye opener.
Ex-Bethelite Admits to Murder at the JW Missionary Home in Samoa
by Room 215 in.
in perusing the information on randy watter's bethelite guest file, i came across a real shocker: an ex-bethelite turned missionary, mike adams, therein alleges to have murdered a missionary couple in the samoa missionary home where he was also assigned, and to having done 14 years in prison for the crime.
do any of you have any recollection of this?
Room, I've never heard of this. When did it happen? Where did he serve his sentence? Why did he kill them? Did he think Samoans would just let it slide? BTW my favorite color is yellow