Jo, Men are as faithful as their opportunities allow.
Posts by Panda
Back in the meat raffle of life!
by joannadandy inof late i have been rattling on about my new boy toy- .
it was a wonderful summer romance that began with the kick off of memorial day fireworks, peaked on the fourth of july--and fizzled out before labor day.
"There Is No Servant InThe World As a Good Colored Servant"
by minimus inthe watchtower society is supposed to be without racial prejudice.
god's channel would be expected to be unlike the world in its ungodly views.
yet, the watchtower magazine as well as other publications at times spoke of the black race as accursed, uneducated and unable to adequately teach the word thru the publications.
A comment by a reg pio sister's husband always really stuck with me (pre-Herd) "Why are the GB only old white men?" The sister who is black didn't have an answer and I didn't either. So that question may actually have been one of the first needlin' cracks in my suit of armor --- thanks to racism I'm free...
******* Morons
by SixofNine innews break
08/24/2003 17:07:21 est
autistic boy dies during wis. service
Oh --- I would like to treat those murderers to a little of the same. An autistic child has great difficulty when being touched. Their senses are over stimulated, not dulled. The mother should have known this. Can you imagine his fear and agony being wrapped up in a sheet! Religion is the culprit. Don't anyone dare say --- it was just that group. God is love? Not really. Any idiot can get hold of a Bible and interpret it his/her own way. Blast 'em ...
God is just Pretend.
What's the most hypocritical thing(s) you've ever seen a JW do?
by Steve Lowry inup high on my list has to be when a jw co-worker named john fitzgerald tore into me one morning (when i was coming in late for work) for grabbing a quick piece of cake from the lunch room.
turns out, someone in this small little office had brought in the remainder of their birthday cake for folks at work to finish up eating.
john was older than i and a ministerial servant (ooh) and felt it his responsibility to keep me on the straight and narrow.
So many horror stories... One of the hypocritical acts that really stands out to me was when IO found out that the PO who regularly preached against college had gone to college. His brother had gonne too. Both of their parents were jws . Their entire families were dubs. Even worse, this PO and his brother were rich. REally rich not just "got a lot of stuff rich" but $$$ rich too. But oh no you shouldn't go to college!!!
The Gospel
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe gospel of salvation -- the good news of jesus christ:
plain and simple, according to the holy scriptures
if you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at [email protected].
"Jesus was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains, and I had to eat him."
The Gospel
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe gospel of salvation -- the good news of jesus christ:
plain and simple, according to the holy scriptures
if you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at [email protected].
"Born Ok the First Time"
I passed my exam ! (... but 4 more to go)
by Simon ini'm now officially certifiable ... erm, i mean certified having passed my first exam:.
070-315 developing and implementing web applications with microsoft visual c# .net and microsoft visual studio .net.
i now have 2 more to do to get mcad status (ms certified application developer) and 4 more for mcsd (ms certified soution developer).
Congrats Simon!!! I know you must be brilliant and I'm just so glad you've been able to realise your talents. This is wonderful news.
As a witness did you secretly celebrate holidays?
by Dimples inwhen i was a witness i knew of many who would either celebrate certain holidays in secret or make up for them some other way.
such as, family day ( christmas ) costume parties ( halloween ), i even knew several who made it a point to go see the fireworks on the 4th of july.
my mother told a wife of an elder that she always felt weird on mother's day for not sending a card to her mom, because her mom expected one.
During the last few years yes. Before that even a pseudo Christmas with other JWS. And always Thanksgivings (almost forgot that one). Yeah turkey and everything BUT we weren't celebrating Thanksgiving, nope it's just that turkey is cheap that time of year. My birthday my last few months in the borg, my Dad's birthday ... that last year I was b'rthday manic. I'll nev er forget the non-Christmas dinner! Table decorations of greens and reds, candles plaid ribbon gold candles red berries.. well you know that's winter florals for ya! Oh and how about those Super Bowl parties! Our PO even used to attend those. Lots of drinking for that one.
Whats you favorite drink?
by Gadget ini just had a really bad day at work.
apart from what you'd normally expect from a 15 hr shift, tonight vitually everything that could go wrong did.
when i got home i decided to have a drink(the first since emans barbie!!!
UMMM --- tea
Are you ever surprised at who is attracted to whom here?
by berylblue inyou lurkers.
the ones who read this board just to observe everything that's going on.
never say a word, except on very rare occasions.
I think that initially almost everyone who posts has the feeling they have found a place to be accepted and understood for all of their past JW lives. Its like concentration camp survivors who do best speaking to one another. Or surviovors of torture or mental illness. Like people who get kemo and get sick...who really understands how they feel?
So we post ... because we know that we'll be understood AND we hope to find kindred spirits ... and we do {{{ Hugs}}}, Panda