Posts by Panda
What quenches your thirst the most?
by JH inwhat do you like to drink, other than water, that quenches your thirst, when you're extrememely thirsty?.
The Move Towards Wholeness Man meets His Animus or Visa Versa C. Jung
by frankiespeakin inok we got a lot of smart people on this board what do you say about this.
I think as we see this changing and blending of roles in male and female, will also slow down the population explosion as dogmatic religions are slowly put in its place. I think in time our species will evolve to blend the two sexes, and bring about a more ecologically friendly species, if not we will become extinct.
Frankiespeak, If we accept our wholeness (our chromosomes make us male/female only to preserve the species see "the Selfish Gene" by Dawkins, I think by Dawkins ? anyway) Then becoming asexual would be counter culturally evolutionary. And considering that culture and society and communication are the very things which caused humans to evolve speech and share ideas and inventions , well asexuality seems more anti-social. We were ecologically friendly or rather the environment was friendly to our species. Only when we all realize our importance in being the Jeffe group (for good or not) and restrain ourselves out of our great love of life; and then apply our great big brains to healing our planet (like you said) only then will we breathe in the good and satisfying changes. I don't promote going back to anything or time , but change is good even if at first unsettling.The idea previously mentioned of becoming bright (Brights?) illuminators of our fellows will make us much happier with who we are and less apt to continue to destroy the environment (thus destroy ourselves).
The USA isn't overpopulated. However people have the notion that they WANT children. Not for the childrens sake but out of selfishness. If you really want to help an individual (ie., your offspring) you'd raise each child with all of your energy and resources. Unfortunately, our society has so convoluted sex that our kids have no idea how to NOT get pregnant with children whom they (unprepared parents) have nothing to offer. Our kids are propagandized about sex through the media (be hot and buy this ...) and then many schools allow the silver bracelet of chastity till marriage crap. Shoot we are sexual beings for sure , why not teach our children respect for themselves. And if we are able to teach that we'll be on the road to positive change.
We won't ever be perfect. We'll always have the cornucopia of life experience. I think that's good and it makes the statement "live and learn" take on a positive note.
Cats a JW no-no?
by Confession ini stumbled across what appears to be a website maintained by a jw circuit overseer.
on it he includes what looks like a question from readers.
it has very strong things to say about the 'beastliness' of cats--and why christians should consider whether or not it is proper to have them in our homes.
Undercover, "It's better to be a live dog than a dead lion." Proverbs somewhere.
The Move Towards Wholeness Man meets His Animus or Visa Versa C. Jung
by frankiespeakin inok we got a lot of smart people on this board what do you say about this.
Emily Dickenson wrote (and Woodman quoted in the discussion of the unconscious --- changes)
I put new Blossoms in the Glass
and throw the old away
I push a petal from my Gown
That anchored there --- I weigh
The time 'twill be till six o'clock
I have so much to do---
And yet ---Existence ---some way back
Stopped ---struck---my ticking ---through---
The Move Towards Wholeness Man meets His Animus or Visa Versa C. Jung
by frankiespeakin inok we got a lot of smart people on this board what do you say about this.
Marion Woodman is a Jungian analyst and co-author of The Maiden King. On page 174 in discussing both sides of the "archetypical energy" as seen in the BabaYaga stories and compared to the release of the feminine from the old male/female states. But we must have the strength through love of the new paradigm. Woodman uses Princess Diana.
"Whether or not Diana embodied that femininity is not what is important. WHat is important is that we recognize in her tragically brief life the unrealized potential in the femininity that burst into cultural consciousness through her death. If we look around us at the upheavals in relationships, surely there can be no question that a tidal wave is being released from the unconscious that is sweeping out the archaic paradigms that are now impossible to live. The feminine has disowned the old paradigm of male/female relationships as well as the inner relationship between masculinity and femininity in both sexes. The old psychic order has now outlived its usefulness and can operate only in a self destructive way. We are at a new stage in the evolution of consciousness, called to move into our individual and cultural maturity."
Another result in this growth has been the expansion of fundamentalist ideals which hamper growth and refuse the paradigm shift in culture. This tide may have to struggle, but if we don't accept this revolution in culture we will self destruct on the "crippled masculinity ... grounded in a false view of the feminine." Religion is the major fundamentalist choke hold on the evolution of consciousness. We hear cries for old time religion... back to the basics of the good old days etc. These ideals are the crippling myth (the story of the Seal Woman is a good example). But we also observe these in society as many women have returned to the home, no longer using their knowledge or abilities or power because they "choose" to stay at home and raise the kids. However, this is part of that stultifying refusal to evolve. We allow these young talented women to revert to the already broken patriarchal, rather than share in a revolution to change the work environment in order to accomodate motherhood.
Speaking from his jail cell, Jehovah's Witness leader Ted Jaracz...
by sf ini am in the usenet forum on google and 'stumbled' upon this item i will paste below.
what i would like confirmed by those in the know is if it is, in fact true:.
If only, right. While Janet Reno had no love for cults she would have had to get something tangible (not doctrine) against the WTS. At Waco it was weapons (an illegal raid and overkill); For the GB it would have to be something like the AlCapone tax evasion. Unfortunately it isn't the job of Attorney General to uncover hypocrisy in religion. Such a shame really.
Elder says: Young People don't want to flip burgers to pioneer
by truthseeker ini approached an elder last week, and asked him if the society was against higher education because of the comments brought out in the drama.
he said the society disapproves of higher education.. .
he privately told me he disagrees with the view the society has on education - he said it should be a personal choice.. .
The highly conflicted college student ... LOL ... I actually ran into a few of these kids back in the 90s at UTSA ... and they were indeed in conflict. Having previously been known only as an "elders wife" one young 'un ran and hid from me ... if I'd had more energy I'd have chased her and told her I'd left too. I remember at a special Holocaust day speech that during the after questions of a survivor a student brought up JWs. The speeker said while she didn't know any personally she'd heard some jws were in the prison camps too. The young dub went on about religion and I had to spout off... "the Jews had no choice because they were Jews whether religious or not. Dubs had a choice, because it wasn't genetics but religious fervor which got them executed. They had a choice."
Society's position on illegal aliens
by sir82 inone of the things that has always irked me is the society's position on illegal aliens.. paraphrasing a us boe letter (can't remember the date, not a recent one though), elders were instructed that they are not "policemen", not responsible for enforcing "caesar's laws".
so, if there are any illegal aliens in the congregation, elders do not report them to any authority.
no (congregational) disciplanary action at all is taken against them.. however, illegal aliens are not "exemplary", in that they are knowingly breaking caesar's laws.
Aliens! I thought that was Scientology
They were just here !!
by Apostanator inmy wife and i just got home from the gym and there were 2 jw's at our door.
i couldn't help myself....i felt rage building up inside but i tried to play it cool.
just coming off the ne apostafest and hearing everyones story just pissed me off when i saw those two dubs standing there.
Wow very quick thinking! I don't think that telling you were once a dub is always a bad idea; if you are happy and enjoying life (just home from the gym --- I love it) that spoke out loud and clear to that kid.
What's this about joining the dubs in door to door peddling? Do you just start talking to them? Following them?
Are You For or Against The Death Penalty?
by minimus inpersonally, i have nothing against executing wanton murderers.
Min, I'm pro death penalty. I was prodeath even when I was a flower child of the 60s and 70s (last century heh hehe) . However the slow process for everyone on death row is nauseating. The 15 years or so it takes to finally remove the cancer from the planet is way too long. For example; Scott Peterson should've got a quick bullitt to the head within months of his conviction. JW Gacey had plenty of time to paint hideous "art", the sort of thing none of his victims could do for those years because they were already dead... why should he have lived so long.
Part of being civilised is recognising that not all criminals are rehabilitative OR deserving of years for appeals. I'm also thinking of the 19 yr old American Taliban. Honestly how much closer to treason can you get without committing treason. Sheesh. Civilisations have long sought humane vehicles for execution. This is a foreign idea (for the criminal this includes the murderous demons who hack off civilians heads for an audience) compared with the suffering they have inflicted on their victims.
If we executed child molesters and rapists (as they do in other countries) the incredible recent rash of horror filled murders, rapes, live burials etc., would have been avoided. I also believe those who knowingly aid and abet these monsters should share their fate.