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JoinedPosts by tootired2care
Want New Avatar
by Gustv Cintrn ini want this as my avatar.
how can i change it from that awful one assigned automatically?.
Here's Why the Watchtower Won't Speak Out Against Islam "Craig Winn" Interview 1
by BucketShopBill incraig winn is one of the most authoritative individuals of islam there is, he's done more research and written extensive on why islam is so dangerous.
his books were written after 9-11-01, now when you listen to his interview get the gist of why islam is not "the religion of peace", it's quite the opposite and even if anyone claims it is, the most respected leaders of islam are blunt with their desire to purge the world of all non-islamic religions.
that never works out well for them because they get rid of all their workers, intellectuals and professionals who flee to some place they can worship or not worship in peace.
"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity.About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."
Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy
Here's Why the Watchtower Won't Speak Out Against Islam "Craig Winn" Interview 1
by BucketShopBill incraig winn is one of the most authoritative individuals of islam there is, he's done more research and written extensive on why islam is so dangerous.
his books were written after 9-11-01, now when you listen to his interview get the gist of why islam is not "the religion of peace", it's quite the opposite and even if anyone claims it is, the most respected leaders of islam are blunt with their desire to purge the world of all non-islamic religions.
that never works out well for them because they get rid of all their workers, intellectuals and professionals who flee to some place they can worship or not worship in peace.
I agree, Islam is no religion of peace, and is not a force for good in any way shape or form. Just look at how this filthy cult of death degrades women into cattle. Why people still tolerate this absolute nonsense in 2014 is beyond me. Islam has got to go, ban it!
Great values being taught at a young age. It's doubtful that they are actually taught anything useful besides how to be slave. Islam is a great evil of our time.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
To go through all that, endure it, and burn in its fire, and then to find out that all is meaningless anyway, I would immediately end my life to save me all further trouble. After all, I am just an accident and nothing in all this universe has meaning.
Why do you assert that it is meaningless without the concept of god? Isn't it really the mystery, the possibilties, and the potential for future discoveries and figuring it all out that provides meaning now? I gotta tell you, after I gave this a lot of thought the prospect of bowing down for eternity (see book of Revelation) to some power hungry god didn't equate to a life of meaning for me.
The facts are overwhelming that the theistic god of perfect love as described in the bible, just does not exist. The truth is, we know so very little, and there is still so very much to discover. There very well may be a purpose to it all, but it certainly isn't recorded in the bible. Science is what will eventually get us these answers. Spending time worrying about which god is the right one, and who, or who isn't saved is pointless. Just be a good person, and keep an open mind, the answers are out there.
White marine beaten by group of black men using Fergusen case as excuse, media won't say 'black men' though.
by EndofMysteries inthis pisses me off, after all the news agencies that point out that things such as the ferguson shooting were a white man killing a black "kid" (18 years old and if an 18 yr old is accused of commiting a sex crime then suddenly they are a "grown man").
now look at this story from ny times, "a 32-year-old marine was beaten by a group of men outside of a mississippi restaurant after he was warned it wasn't safe for white people in the wake of the michael brown killing in missouri," .
so black on white crime, i guess they can't say "a group of black men", it just has to be a group of men?
Stories you won't hear on CNN, NPR, or MSLSD.
by DATA-DOG in1) take meds for your megalomania and delusions of grandeur.. .
suggestions welcome.. .
It takes a lot of arrogance to imposeyour beliefs on others.
Who is imposing their beliefs on others? Don't make the mistake of conflating criticism of religious ideas and arguments with imposing beliefs on others. Everyone here is free to believe what they want. I suspect the problem is that you are just a bit bitter that religion in general is getting marginalized. Why is it getting marginalized? It's because the facts are stacking up against religious systems of belief. Is it disrepectful to point out inconsistencies with religion on a discussion forum? Also, this isn't a university, it's a cult recovery forum, so why do you keep drawing that comparison?
Islam and another cult very similar.....
by Phizzy inhttp://leftfootforward.org/2014/08/the-caliphate-delusion-the-political-construct-that-bears-no-relevance-in-the-modern-world/.
the above link is to an interesting article by the quilliam foundation on why the idea of a caliphate is delusional.
these paragraphs stood out to me, substitute "jw's" for "islamists" and see what you think.. " the facts of history, however, are largely irrelevant to modern islamists because theirs is a struggle and a cause that is characterized by the meaning it gives to their lives and the excuses it offers to avoid introspection.
Interesting comparison. Like the JW's Islam is an all-or-nothing cult full of faults. Muslims already subconsciously realise this, because they fly into tantrums whenever either Mohammed or the Koran is 'disrespected' . Under Sharia law any criticism or either Mohammed or the Koran is blasphemy which is punished by death. This paranoid, hypersensitive defensiveness and outrage at criticism are not the reactions of a confident belief system, but of an information-control cult. These reactions are evidence of an attempt to protect a fatal vulnerability, an attempt to cover an Achilles heel.
The best offense against this is to satirise and ridicule baby-bonking Mohammad until the Muslims fly into uncontrollable tantrums, then ridicule them even more for their tantrums, and repeat the process until they froth at the mouth and steam comes out of their ears.
Hello, semi long intro!
by Moses Joe ini was raised as a jehovahs witness.
currently i still am part of a congregation, which i gather is also the case for many who come here.
i no longer consider them god's chosen people.
Welcome to the forum! You're correct all they care about is numbers not people, or even the havoc that their false expectations have wrought in peoples lives. They want to snuff out all free thought and have absolute power. Hopefully more like you will realize this, and not stand for their mind f***ing drivel any longer.
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 ini think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
Statistics prove racism in the criminal justice system.
I'm calling bullshit. How can arrest and incarceration statistics prove racism? And please don't give us another one of your boring personal experiences, you do this in practically every one of your comments and it's tiresome.
Sometimes I wonder if this country will ever heal from the remnants of slavery.
It certainly never will as long as the idiot liberals are in power. Race baiting idiots like Eric Holder, Sharpton, Jackson et-all are the problem. Not law abiding citizens, and certainly not police officers that do their job to stop thugs like Michael Brown. Also, stop with the annoying baby boomer white guilt, and try to start looking at facts and call a spade a spade. When a person attacks a police officer and dies, they got exactly what they deserved for their stupidity.
' Life's hard . It's even harder when you're stupid.' -- John Wayne
Debunking the Bible
by Coded Logic inthere seems to be an endless number of ways to show the bible is not devinely inspired but all of it seems so complicated.
anyone know any simple arguements for this?
After Adam and Eve were booted from the garden, why was there a flaming sword blocking re-entrance? think about it, a flaming sword? At that point a sword was completely out of historical context. This is a tell that reveals what age the allegorical text was written in. If you take the account literally, it would mean god is the author of war. Either way, it shows just how screwed up the bible is.