Hello and welcome! I was in the truth from the age of 4 and began fading at about 44,,most of my family are still in like my parents and such,,you will find a lot of help on this site and learn a lot too
JoinedPosts by besunny
by franticfran ini have just joined this website and just wanted to say hello to anyone out there.
i am so nervous,after thirty odd years in the "truth" i feel as though my husband and i have just walked into a room full of smiling strangers and we are just standing here hoping to god someone will come up and speak to us.
scared and excited and hoping to wake up one morning and not wonder what we do now???
Hubby and Wifey saying Hi
by free and happy inso where do you start?.
i've been reading peoples experiences for several months now trying to figure out what i want to say but how do you put your whole life into a few words?.
i was a born in but have been happy and free for 5 years and luckily for me my husband felt the same way and we have freed our children from being brainwashed.
Welcome both of you,,you are among friends here,this site has helped me so much as it will help you too! you are not alone in how your family has been treated by so called friends,what I like best of being freed from this cult is just being a normal person...
14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars inyou guessed it.... .
Wow,,this makes me so angry and it is exactly why I left the JW's being born and raised in it,,,I suffered for 20 years in a abusive relationship with my so called JW husband,I was slapped,punched,kicked,pushed,choked,riduculed,told I had no value other then cleaning and giving birth (although I am a nurse and made more money but not allowed to work),isolated,wasn't allowed to watch TV, had my car taken away,had my hair cut off,been spit on,and the list goes on,,,I was told by the elder's I wasn't supportive enough and made to feel it was my fault so I kept leaving and going back,,I was mindfucked!!! then the abuse with the children started so I left permanetly,,,oh and then I'm not allowed to remarry without getting disfellowshiped and being shunned from my whole family,,so that means no family support with being alone with 3 kids,,,so I faded over the last 5 years,,and now remarried to a wonderful man who isn't a witness thank god!!! The WTS has no idea what they are talking about, none of them has lived it and they need to apologize and retract their stupid advice!!!! sorry for carrying on but it makes sick!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Status are you? Ex JW, Inactive, elder, MS...etc
by enigma1863 ini am technically inactive.
i was just curious if there are many people on the inside.
are there any within bethel itself?
I became inactive and faded,,divorced my abusive, xpioneer JW husband and married a man out of the truth (who is wonderful) my parents are still in and my dad is an elder,most of his family are still active witness's,,I still talk from time to time to friends still in,,but very happy with my life now at almost and wish I had faded alot earlier!!!!!!!!!!
2+2=5 cited this fact about the shrinking amount of elders. Perhaps the coming implosion?
by wha happened? inat the last elders school i heard from a few different attendees that the average age was easily 60+.
there will be a lot of elders gone within the next 10yrs.
there is nowhere near enough young brothers to replace these ageing elders.
My father is a elder and he is 79,and he can't walk very well and uses a cane often,he also can't hear or see well either,I feel he has a lot of pressure to do his KH chores,,it took me months to convince my parents to stop having the service meeting at their house on Sat. mornings,it's just to much for them especially in the winter to make sure the driveway is cleared of snow,,I feel nobody at the hall see's that is to much for them now and it makes me upset,,so I think this example is a picture of how there is a desperate need for elders
Rosemont Cemetery-Masonic Temple-Catholic Church CONNECTED
by NeverKnew inyes, by land transfers - connected.. .
first - masonic hall property.
the parcel now known as the land owned by the mason's appears to have been consolidated some time ago to form one huge parcel.
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=5591 link to grave site with pics
Homeschooling VS public/private schooling
by PSacramento ini was wondering on the views about homeschooling vs public/private scholling.. thoughts?.
Hello Everyone,,I currently homeschool my son,,we live in Ohio and he uses Ohio Connections Academy,,it is a virtual public school so he gets the education everyone else does,,he has live lessons several times a day with his teacher's and other classmates,he has an IEP for certain subjects and recieves extra help from his teacher's with those issues,,also he recieves PT,OT and ST in our home that the school provides along with a math tudor.The school also provides clubs,activities and field trips..My son did go to regular school for awhile but was bullied because of his physical disabilities and Asperger's...Now this does mean I am much more involved in his schooling then if he went to regular school it takes a lot of time but I adjusted my work schedule in order to do this...and if you have the time this is a great alternitive to going to regular school,,,
Meditation, your thoughts?
by besunny inhi everyone,the last couple of weeks i have been reading about meditation and have tried several times.one of the times i did a native american guided meditation and actually had a unusual experience, seeing a wolf and a man dressed in victorian clothing,of course i had my eyes closed but this was different then a dream,it wasn't scary or anything,i hope nobody thinks i'm nuts,,i was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this,,being a witness most of my life i have been checking out other forms of spirituality,and meditation has been around for thousands of years and seems beneficial to those that do it....thank you for your thoughts.
TY Poppers for the great suggestions!!
Meditation, your thoughts?
by besunny inhi everyone,the last couple of weeks i have been reading about meditation and have tried several times.one of the times i did a native american guided meditation and actually had a unusual experience, seeing a wolf and a man dressed in victorian clothing,of course i had my eyes closed but this was different then a dream,it wasn't scary or anything,i hope nobody thinks i'm nuts,,i was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this,,being a witness most of my life i have been checking out other forms of spirituality,and meditation has been around for thousands of years and seems beneficial to those that do it....thank you for your thoughts.
yes satanus,,it is very hard to try to clear the mind of thoughts and focus,I had never tried before this,I'm a total amature but would like to keep going with this
Meditation, your thoughts?
by besunny inhi everyone,the last couple of weeks i have been reading about meditation and have tried several times.one of the times i did a native american guided meditation and actually had a unusual experience, seeing a wolf and a man dressed in victorian clothing,of course i had my eyes closed but this was different then a dream,it wasn't scary or anything,i hope nobody thinks i'm nuts,,i was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this,,being a witness most of my life i have been checking out other forms of spirituality,and meditation has been around for thousands of years and seems beneficial to those that do it....thank you for your thoughts.
Thanks jgnat ! it is a very intersting subject,so much to learn :)