Amazing Atheist won. ''But he swears a lot!'' So what, it doesnt detract from the point he made. Taking his statements out of context or completely making them up, bohm, is also a waste of time - we're talking about these two videos, nothing outside of that. Judgement should be made from these videos alone.
All Jefferson is trying to do is single out Christianity as the true religion. Look at how he starts his argument:
'Religion makes you blind, Jesus makes you see'
and how he ends it:
'Religion is man searching for god, Christianity is god searching for man'
This is just glorified, slick advertising campaign for Christianity. Saying that Jesus and Religion are two separate things is a completely idiotic statement. Jesus gathered disciples, and used them to establish a belief structure centered around him. It doesn't matter if Jesus said nicer things than Mohammed, they are both RELIGIOUS ICONS, and are worshipped.
Besides that, Jefferson himself admits to following all the tenures of Christianity, and pretty much encourages it:
'I love the bible, I love the church, and yes I believe in sin.'
There is nothing in this video that distinguishes Jesus as a separate entity from Religion, and you should be able to see that. Easily.
This video is completely pointless.
EDIT: I know I'm pretty much mirroring TJ's point, but It's worth repeating for those of you that stopped after the first 'F' word.