I think theres some underlying thing going on with that cong.Either they as A schmelder body allowed a pedo off the hook or are pedo's themselves.
Just my observation.
before they all remove their signs advertising the ministry school and relace it with some other double speak crap.... onto google earth!.
I think theres some underlying thing going on with that cong.Either they as A schmelder body allowed a pedo off the hook or are pedo's themselves.
Just my observation.
i see these movies lately, that show men and woman having sex as a friends without 'planned' emotions.
who then fall in love, and end up having to admit that sex without emotion was not possible.
i wonder though, do you really think this is the case.
Yep FS me too.
my turn on the soapbox.. .
well friends ive just gotton home from the special edition meeting, care of the enthusiastic circus overseer and what a great moral lesson his talk was tonight.. .
do you want to be a guest in god's tent?.
Post Note after Circus Overseers visit
They announced to the half empty hall that the next co visit is in 3 months? musta missed that change but the circus gets overseen now 3 monthly.is it to keep the hype up or keep the Schmelders in check?
this press release on steven unthank's website yesterday is worth a read .
it's a fuller version .
more details.. http://jwnewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/traralgon-congregation-crisis-of-conscience-part-1/.
Hi sizemik if you recall i posted about the "is it ok to lie" talk by co the other day.
Being in the same country i wonder if theres a connection or timing that this talk is being given?
i smell a dirty big WTS rat! How about you?
among the various helpful pieces of advice i have read here from leavingwt, i have noticed that he often tells people to never discuss doctrine with a jw.
i realize that discussing doctrine with a jw can be very frustrating, but i was wondering if there is a more far-reaching and less-obvious reason for this advice.
like is it related to some peculiar aspect of the jw mind that the average person would not be aware of?.
Having spent my first 40 years as a JW I believe within the JWs there are two types of JW.
The first are what you would call "spiritual" people who serve God out of love and trust him with their heart and believe the "truths" given to them from the FDS. This is the minority group you know the type the little old lady whos been a JW for 60 years and doesnt bother anybody, the old brother who was never ambitiuos to be in power but always faithfull.
The majority group ( and i was one) are Organizational people. Keeping in step with the WTS and following ever rule and regulation. Thinking as we were told to think, not following God just his "visible" organization the WTS.
The first group are open to seeing that what the bible really says so a bible principle approach works for them.
The second group will NEVER discuss doctrinal errors of the WTS, to them thats heretical practise. One approach for them is to confirm their belief in what the WTS say in regard to their published view of the UN and once they are convinced of the WTS view of the UN and Gods hatred of the UN you drop the bomb of what the WTS has been up to and Hopefully God willing their WTS foundation has just been blown and they begin to see the light.
I had always been a bit fringey even tho a MS but i wouldnt have spoken with apostates"real christians" on doctrine. Discovering the WTS bad conduct carried more weight for me personally.
All the above is just "my opinion".
my turn on the soapbox.. .
well friends ive just gotton home from the special edition meeting, care of the enthusiastic circus overseer and what a great moral lesson his talk was tonight.. .
do you want to be a guest in god's tent?.
Thanks for the responses.
Listener remember the terminology of the WTS they didnt change the meaning of "generation" ( because that would imply they were lying about it or just didnt know what the F to say about it) its the "light" just got brighter and everythings awesome now so forget what we told you in the past and just keep kissing our ass and youl be "in" with God.
One positive of the circus overseers visit was the WT study was question only so that was at least bearable.
My Personal thought
Disclaimer: to many of my friends who are atheists i in no way post my thoughts as the "right" belief, its just my belief.I live in a glass house and would never cast stones at others ( except for that Duschbag mankkeli )
the more i study the actual bible and read the context the easier it is to unravel the misleading "truths" i had been indoctrinated with as a JW. i was really pissed off when the Schmelders DF me because i didnt want to be DF i didnt want to be outside the JW ( i admit i was a brainwashed product of a high control cult now).
Now in hindsight they really did me a favour to wake me up to reality and see what the bible really says and what they teach and believe is just a load of refuse.The WTS is just the modern day Sanhedrin. They have deviated from the truth of gods word.
it's the biggest lie that's ever been told .
a lie i've heard more than any other .
all through my life i keep hearing it.. everybody tells it .
Ive always taken a Sci-fi approach to death.
IF what they preach is correct and if you die you will more than likely be resurrected then death is just a form of Time Travel and hey presto there you are ready for the next 1000 years at least.
Its all bollocks and you die and theres nothing but does it matter that your not aware of it? doesnt hurt
Hell is very real and im gunna get my arse burnt off every day forever for posting here.
I am with Watson on i would rather miss out the painful bit just before death.
my turn on the soapbox.. .
well friends ive just gotton home from the special edition meeting, care of the enthusiastic circus overseer and what a great moral lesson his talk was tonight.. .
do you want to be a guest in god's tent?.
Just in case anyones interested i had the Sunday Public talk and the concluding talk by the circus oversser today and i will give you the gist of the last talk.
"The Time Left is Reduced- How will you use it?"
i wasnt paying complete attention by this last part as i do bible research to make some use of the time i have to accrue by attending so he caught my attention about a prophecy god gave abraham that his descendants would return to the promised land in 400 years time. the israelites in egyptian captivity could have known that they were going to be freed but they had ignored/forgotten this. Moses tried to free the people but was 40 years before gods time was ready and had to wait before coming back to led the israelites out of egypt.
Point God has set the date of Armageddon and nobody can make that day come quicker or delay it.( dehr! he is God he can do as he wants)
dont worry about what date it will come because you cant influence the day. Live each day as if Armageddon is going to happen tomorrow because it's that close!Severe persecution is going to happen it will be on us soon.
Dates and times are interesting but our Faith in God is more important! Be active and focus on the joy of serving God now.Dont get disappointed because of dates people have expected , dont worry the timimg is up to God.
My opinion.
There must be something coming in the news,book or online that is going to expose the false prophecy of the WTS and they are into damage prevention now.
The WTS Library has been culled of all incriminating references to their false predictions.
I think their circling the wagons for something?
Does anyone have an idea what that might be?
Love to hear from you.
please, please, i beg you all..... i need whatever sources from the wtbs that support their belief that the world was ending in 1975. details are forthcoming.
please i need this..... hans is in trouble.......
Mr Falcon if you want the actual pages rather than just a rewrite send me a PM and i will email it to you, I have two copies of the Life book for good measure. Do it soon i have to go out in 10 min for next few hours so if you need it in a hurry, then do so
please, please, i beg you all..... i need whatever sources from the wtbs that support their belief that the world was ending in 1975. details are forthcoming.
please i need this..... hans is in trouble.......
Heres a scan of the Life Book that sayings it so very clearly.They say some misunderstood it? what a load of BS.
Damn the images are too small. Mr Falcon just PM me an email address and i will send you the pdf of this scan.
Interestingly the WTS removed this book from WT Library CD.