Latest rumors:
1) Supplier problem with paper quality in Japan (for 6 months and counting??)
or ...
2) There will be a new release at the annual meeting in October
Anyone heard any others?
our congregation is rationing regular bibles like they're gold bars.
i was told that bethel is out of stock!
anyone else hear about this?
Latest rumors:
1) Supplier problem with paper quality in Japan (for 6 months and counting??)
or ...
2) There will be a new release at the annual meeting in October
Anyone heard any others?
does the universe have a collective consciousness?.
at the sub nuclear level of reality...we are all one.
at the core basis of the universe is a single universal field of intelligence.
Just picking up on Terry's point from pg 1:
I use the word UNIVERSE to mean absolutely EVERYTHING which "exists". Others do NOT.
In religious discussions, for example, people tell me that God is...OUTSIDE...of the Universe.
This, of course, has absolutely no meaning for me. Wouldn't "everything" also INCLUDE God???
Fair enough, but in that case surely it is necessary to have another word to describe that portion of the universe to which we have potential access in an observable sense. If dimensions exist that would remain outside of our scope of knowledge no matter how much scientific progress we made, would that still constitute part of our universe? If so then don't we need another word to encapsulate everything that we could ever be consciously aware of?
Or if the multiverse truly exists would you object to talking about "other universes" on the basis that the singular term universe must by definition already encompass them? If so then we would surely need another term to describe that part to which we ourselves have any reference.
Just a thought.
I was worried about who was going to look after my cats during this year's DC.
I'm so relieved that the GB say we don't need to worry about that, we can just let them die.
It's a true blessing.
the wts uses john 3:13 to prove that before jesus no one was taken to heaven.. in the nwt, john 3:13 reads:"moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the son of man.".
notice a difference to the king james bible:.
john 3:13 - "and no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man who is in heaven.
You should be aware that the translators of the King James version took the liberty to add the "worms", supposedly to add clarity to the text; However it doesn't exist in the original hebrew text.
Yes, I did know that. I was only really including it as an addendum to what I'd already written.
It still reads that way in NWT and others to me, as per my "phrase by phrase" comments (which maybe you didn't notice)
the wts uses john 3:13 to prove that before jesus no one was taken to heaven.. in the nwt, john 3:13 reads:"moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the son of man.".
notice a difference to the king james bible:.
john 3:13 - "and no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man who is in heaven.
Oops. I think this topic derailed
Eden - I like you points on Job 19 and have wondered about that myself, although the language still sounds as though he expected to see God (in the form of the redeemer) on earth and in the flesh.
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.
[so this meeting would be as a result of the redeemer standing on earth, not Job going to another realm]
Even after my skin is destroyed,
[after the first death]
Yet from my flesh I shall see God
[so the flesh would have to be restored and the the resurrection earthly]
King James: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God
So to me it sounds like it describes a restoring of the flesh, rather than a transformation to spirit.
i am an inactive jw.
i havent been on this forum for a few months and have been lurking in others.
i have met a few people in real life and online, both on this forum and on others.
(Acts 5:38) And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown;
i watched a couple daniel clark videos on youtube (simple but interesting btw) and he mentioned the revelation book is no longer in print.. is that true??
what other books did we grow up with that are out of print?.
truth booklive forever book(old) united in worship(old) evolution/creation bookthose seem to be the biggies.
Re: the OP
It is most certainly still in print. The congregations can order it, although it is flagged as "Not a field-service campaign item" so they should not order it in any significant quantity.
my wife got me started watching this show last year.
we've downloaded the previous seasons on netflix and have found it to be really well done.
the story line, scenery,costumes,old cars and compelling characters have us hooked.
First class TV. What I have come to appreciate is that there are no "fillers" in the dialogue and plot. It is very carefully written so that everything said has some bearing on the ongoing shift in social and class structure that is taking place. Good cast. Good production. Nothing bad to say really. And I am not a general fan of period movies/TV.
We've watched it to the end of series 3, and I'm pleased to hear that they will shortly start filming series 4.
regarding the governing bodys new light relative to matthew 24:45-47, recently said the following:.
this new light certainly poses a problem for the governing body.
perhaps this is another reason why they have not yet published a sober and scriptural xplanation of this new light.
THE "ALPHA AND OMEGA"OF REVELATION 22:12 Refers to Jehovah God - AWAKE! 8/22/78 p.28
Refers to Jesus Christ - WT 10/1/78 p.15
Splash - I don't see Alpha and Omega referred to in the latter. They apply Rev 22 to Jesus in part, but their interpretation is that the speaker switches several times in this passage.
there is anonther topic about the new organizational sheet of the jw organisation.. it's nice to see the gb (=fds) on top of the earthly part of it.
read some interesting information about the.
severe disorder they must have:.
Phizzy - Although I can vaguely make him out
Seriously? Where? You've got me playing "Where's Waldo?" with Jesus, and I can't find him.